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  1. This particular "trial" theme was one of the first remixes I went looking for back when I originally stumbled upon this site (which was a little easier since there were less than a handful of CT remixes then). The rsn file sufficed- as it was better than the alternative of leaving the snes on during the trial scene while the music looped or later when rom's became widely distributed. But I still hungered after an actual remix. So it was with a bit of a backstory that I gleefully saw this remix hitting the site, and I must say I am both happy and slightly disappointed (perhaps because I have held my breath for so long and the lack of oxygen has made me loopy). I have a tremendously positive reaction, simply because of my joy for the source material. The trial scene, as simple as the music is, I find to be maddeningly addictive. It serves as the meat of this remix and I was hoping for it to receive a more classical/traditional orchestra interpretation. This is really a matter of personal preference as I still find myself addicted to the beat and have listened to this remix over and over again as I write this. Anyway, great job on capturing a classic, and underappreciated theme.
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