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  1. Hey, looking to get a fresh start here. Could I get my name changed to "MahBoiiii". Many thanks
  2. Yes, Agreed...
  3. Yes, If Phoenix Wright isnt in the game, I will cry and go strangle sakurai.
  4. I dont think the updates will be any different. However I think after E3, next week, all the revealed info for brawl will be posted on the site.
  5. I see it more as a Flat Zone x2-3 with an added hole in the stage every so often. I like it. It seems to have solved the problem with flat zone; not the concept, having no edges at the end of the screen, but the fact that the level was so small.
  6. I'm sorry but I had to pull this up. Kirby's Cook move was one of the funniest moves in the kirby series. I can just picture the effect of him grabbing the ball, putting the chef hat on, then clanking his spatula and tongs together while each other character jumps into the pot against their will. And I do agree, the move will probably heal a little bit of kirby's health. However I do also hope that his final smash will have some randomness to it so that he could get many different options (e.g. the mike moves).
  7. Meh an average update. Best thing about this one was Bowser's new appearance. Pretty sweet. O well, they cant all be great.
  8. OBJECTION! I believe that Dynablade would be another possibility. But given that Golden Sun is very obscure and not very well known, even though it is a kick ass game, I don't think they will have any playable Golden Sun characters. NPC however MIGHT be a possibility. And yes, Phoenix Wright would be FTW.
  9. Oh boy! more pokeball items! Ya this is a pretty lame, considering it seems like they do the same thing as pokeballs do. Oh well. Nice change of pace from the usual pokemon. Will make for interesting high item battles.
  10. Yes. I really hope that Brawl has a new style of play; granted, it shouldn't stray too far from the basics of the game, like double jumping, edge grabbing, and smashing. Adding/Removing certain aspects of the game (such as shielding?) will give the game a whole new style of game play. If you want a game that plays just like melee, then just go fucking play melee! I'm personally looking forward to learning a new style of play, along with having lots of fun with all the old/new characters.
  11. I'm 100% sure that Teching will be in Brawl and that is what it looks like. This is because teching isn't an unintended manuver, unlike wavedashing which was never intentionally put into the game. Teching was knowingly programed into the game and was intended by the creators to get used. It is suprising how there hasn't been any evidence of shields in Brawl. I thought that shields were a staple in the game's dynamics. But hey the programmers can do whatever the hell they want, and it looks like they are creating a whole new way of playing the game (which is good!).
  13. I feel that we will get quite a bit of information from E3 this year. I think that sometime this next week Sakurai will be posting a whole lot of goodies and shit that we can process and discuss, all of which will be shown at E3. Needless to say, I'm excited for this coming week, and will be watching G4 every day.
  14. Fuck Yeah! Go Wario! I guess his bike move is gonna be something like Yoshi's egg roll was, only it looks like maybe if you fall off, other players can get on(?). And the Flatulance move looks killer. It also seems like it could be an extra recovery move for wario.
  15. Oh right. I'm sure it will still be a fun way of playing the game, no doubt. I'm talking about for serious tounament play where every advantage you can get over your opponent, you take it.
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