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Everything posted by MahBoiiii

  1. i love the bust a move game music. i serously have been wanting to make a remix of this song for a while. (i still dont have any remixing program damnit). This song was ok. liked the bubble bursting in the background, but he chose the wrong rythems for this song/not enough syncopations. he also didn't put in the high counter-melody part from the game in. The choice of music is great, but not the remix itself. I still listen to it for the origanal theme from it.
  2. You don't. You make a picture that ends in that extension. Although you could always change the extension on a .html file with file renaming. If you wanna do the rotating sig trick, you need to do a bit of PHP coding(Ginnsu has something like that in his sig, displays random quotes from the Quotebot), not HTML stuff. and how do i do that??? I'm still new to the web page building.
  3. so how do i make a website that ends in .jpg or .gif? both of mine are .html
  4. dude! that waz awesome.!!!!! I dont know about these other people, but that was the greatest upbeat remix i've ever heard!!! The origional was realy cool as well, but you just made it 50 times better!
  5. lets c if this worx... alllright
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