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Posts posted by 100_PERCENT ROEMER

  1. Hey guys, my name's Chris. I've been a fan of OCReMixes, but I didn't discover the forums until about a couple of months ago. I've been lurking around since joining, but I didn't think to post until now.


    Heh, Extra_Crispy, I like your name. Perhaps you should go to GenDisc and discuss a game. Oh yes, and welcome to the OCR boards by the way. I hope you enjoy your stay!

    Hmm, couldn't resist making things rhyme :wink:

  2. Hey, I've been playing piano for about 7 years, and I do live solo piano recordings every so often. I use my piano instructor's recording equipment for my recordings, which is almost studio quality. However, I can only do a recording every few months, so I'll have to have a substantial amount of remixes to perform before I can do it. Probably somewhere around 5-6 is a good amount.

    I will only perform your piece if you have the sheet music with proper notation and dynamics, and a simple midi preview to go along with it.

    I will also only perform it if it is a complex piece. If I think it to be too simple, I won't play it for you, sorry.

    Don't worry about a piece being too complex. So long as you don't try to have my play 8 note chords with one hand at an insane tempo, I'll manage.

    If I find a problem with your mix, I will contact you asking permission to fix or improve it.

    Please take note that since I must have time to practice the pieces, and I won't perform them until I have a grouping of about 5-6 pieces that I can play well, and it may take quite a long time before I can get around to recording your piece (and I will usually have a remix of my own to perform while I'm doing the recording. So if I don't have my own remix to perform, you'll have to wait until I do, or until I decide to perform your piece regardless).

    I specialize in classical style music from the classical and romantic periods, but I have had a little jazz experience. I will not perform abstract pieces unless I make an exception (which would be very rare).

    Finally, here is a small sampling of some of my songs I recorded awhile ago. (sorry, I have to use soundclick to store my songs)


    I hope I can be of service to you! PM me if you are interested.

  3. I'm Gemineye, I'm 18 live in PA and am new to the OCR forums (though not the site itself).

    I would LOVE to get into remixing...but I have a Yamaha DGX200 (w/ midi connections) and FLStudio4... is it possible to do anything with this at all?

    Absolutely. I know for a fact that many remixers including my main man Beatdrop use nothing but FL. Just import what you play into FL, if you want a more human feel.

    Might want to check this out, though, as I'm hardly a remixer.

    Yeah, you can do a lot with your equipment. I'm remixing right now with some horribly outdated, simple notation software, no keyboard either. All is does is record down notes. But, at least I can print out the music afterwards and do a live, solo-piano recording.

  4. I love days off from school. I finished my audition piece in another few hours. Rellik, just for you I stuck closer to the original near the end. :D

    It's more than long enough now (4:20), with more emotional pull (I think?!) and variation. I'm actually considering submitting this to VGMix - I hadn't expected to get a full work out of an audition. :P

    Tyler Heath - Predetermination

    This song is pretty much done. If anyone has any specific suggestions/problems with it let me know and I'll look into fixing it.

    I like :D

  5. Heh, Ayla was one of my favorite characters, but since the movie isn't being made, I really don't care that much.

    Don't be all pessimistic on me. It may get made. This is just starting out, you know.

    Oh really? Well if it does get made and you don't include Ayla, I'll just have to hunt you down and rip your lungs out. :wink:

    Besides, she played a fairly large role. She gave you the dreamstone, helped you fight the reptites, gave lavos his name, and just plain kicked ass.

  6. Oh, like a radio show? That might be kinda cool.

    Oh, and Robo was only vital to their quest when it came to accessing the Factory in the north. But since the Factory went bye-bye, so did Robo.

    I find it amusing that nobody's said anything about Ayla yet. Apparently cavewomen are at the bottom of the likeability food-chain. :)

    Heh, Ayla was one of my favorite characters, but since the movie isn't being made, I really don't care that much.

  7. Chrono Trigger sux and your script is worse than shit. Darkesworde can't do orchestral, all he can do is retarded syruppy faux-saxamophone dealies.

    "Where am i... better yet when am i"

    rotfl when am i

    CT tributes are for nostalgic losers go to the bar and get a life.

    I feel smart.

    And on the 11:00 news tonight: When trolls attack!

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