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Profile Information

  • Location
    southern california
  • Occupation
    To live amongst the living.

Artist Settings

  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)

Lulanie's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. I have yet to find one......... kitty kitty meow..........
  2. ruby weapon with out any HP plus materia and at level 54..... ouch... but I did it after 35 times. meh...
  3. I'm some how strongly reminded of the Manhiem steamrollers orchastra. Also I'm reminded of Yanni. That's not a bad thing. Just don't do it all the time. But all in all its a tear jerker. I love it. great job.
  4. It was great then it went on and on and on .....etc. I like it a lot but its just to long. Other then that I have nothing more to say.
  5. i heard this and have to say I am strongly reminded of the never ending story. but that was a good movie so nice work. makes you day dream and its catchy light hearted what can one ask for
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