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Everything posted by Corran

  1. Hey guys. You might remember me from vgmix2, or from my remix here. Some forum regulars had a meeting last night about the state of vgmix. You must understand there is a lot going on in the background. I'm hoping zyko will pop in here to explain better or give better words of encouragement, but I just happened to come here and saw this thread. What vgmix stands for is NOT a WIP board for OCR. The artists who "started" at vgmix learn a lot of valuable information and make good music often. A community-driven system of reviews and helpfulness is the perfect compliment to this site. In case you didn't notice, not only were most of the really good vgmix arrangements eventually posted here, there were hundreds of really good ones NOT posted, either failing the panel or just not submitted. VGMix should slake the communities hunger for new music. Yes we had some newbie JUNK but still, it was obvious with reviews. Furthermore, there is still a prevalent attitude that vgmix IS the WIP place for anyone who WANTS to post to OCR, which is just ridiculous. The casual disdain for the site from most members here could almost be a reason that the vgmix community is dying itself. Anyway, some of us have a serious passion about what vgmix is and could be. If we can help it, vgmix3 WILL eventually become a reality. Please, keep yourself informed at the thread about it (http://www.vgmix.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1213) and pop into the #future channel of irc.vgmix.com to see if we are around. Look for some information and other stuff soon, especially from zyko as he is kind of the liaison between OCR and VGMix. tl;dr: we are working actively on vgmix's future, so keep watch.
  2. Well you've addressed my main issue, the one about specifically saying that the ReMixers holds all ownership. While I was at work there's been a lot of replies, which I don't have time to read honestly, but wasn't the "right to reject removal requests" established as something you couldn't legally do? That's what it sounded like, anyway. Regardless, I can see honestly no reason that I'd ever want my ReMix(es?) to one day be pulled, so it doesn't bother me, but I'd still rather not see another mass exodus because of the stubborn inclusion of that clause. Other than that:
  3. Well that's fine, except for the "otherwise stated" part. I think you've made it clear that we own our work regardless of what OCR wants, except for when it is directly related to the site. I think another sentence clarifying that we can do anything we want with our work as long as OCR is kept out of it, be it profit or not. The "otherwise stated" clause is what's getting people, I think. I guess it should be obvious but again Shael is asking if this policy affects his live performance, which clearly it should not. Basically I think everyone wants to have a clause that assures them that submitting things here does not completely strip them of their privileges to use the work themselves anymore! Which could be the case if you wanted. I've entered several music composition contests in which their legal statement said the work was theirs to do what they wanted with, be it selling or otherwise. That's what I think needs to be defined. Specifically, that OCR is not going to do that.
  4. Another ReMixer opinion: Personally, I don't have any problem with OCR being able to keep my mix even if I wanted it taken down or was planning on selling it. I actually plan on one day remastering a lot of my most popular works on vgmix and making a CD available for "donations only." However, I certainly didn't plan on taking the old ones down. However, I think part of the problem is the actual legality and how real record labels would feel about it, not just me. On that point, I am unsure and therefore do not feel equipped to comment. But I would say I think a clause needs to be added that in the end, the original remixers holds all rights outside of OC ReMix to their work. Like Shael Riley, he can perform it live, or I can sell my works on a CD if I feel like, etc. That might have been in there but it seems you've been clarifying it a lot just now. Just the outside OC ReMix part anyway. There's my 2 cents, thanks for informing us via e-mail. -Corran
  5. I'll take that as a compliment, Red Shadow, though I didn't hear that myself. Any spot in particular? Sil: There is a plethora of composers that I call my influences: John Adams, Paul Hindemith, Arnold Schoenberg, Robert Muczynski, David Holsinger, Robert W. Smith, Thomas Doss, etc etc etc. I do plan on doing large-scale works in the future, but right now I feel that I am better prepared to do chamber works.
  6. Well, this was an experiment. I guess OCR is just as bad with feedback as VGMix for non-remixes. Oh well.
  7. I guess I should start with a little introduction. My name is Bryan Garris, and I'm a junior in college majoring in both music education and composition. You might know me from my one remix here. I am cross-posting this from VGMix2.5 in an effort to get some of my compositions "out there," or at least get some unbiased opinions on it! If you listen to anything, I'd love to hear from you. Anyways: March 20th was my first composition recital featuring only my work. I had 6 original pieces that were performed by faculty and students from my college. They were all small ensembles. Anyway, here they are, for your possible enjoyment. Tell me what you think. By the way, I did not play anything in this recital, so therefore I was able to run my entire mobile recording setup. These recordings were all made by me and my equipment. Dark Wood, Dark Water This is a piece for Soprano Voice, Oboe, and Piano. It's based on the poem by Sylvia Plath with the same name. The piece is sort of ethereal...It is fairly tonal but meanders a lot in different keys and modes. This was my first work with vocal music, and I think it turned out really well. March for Woodwind Quintet This woodwind quintet was written in 2005, and has been performed before. If you have kept up with my work you probably have heard it on my website. However, this recording and performance is 100x better! This work was composed before my current "21st century" style, so it's a little more tonal than everything else. Sky High (Jazz Combo) Another first, this is a jazz tune that I wrote for the first jazz combo at my college (they are really good). I did this over the Christmas break because I always wanted to write a jazz chart. I hope to do more, because this was a lot of fun to compose! Vertical Modulations (String Quartet Well, this string quartet is indicative of my current style. It's very 20th century writing, because it's directly influenced by John Adams and minimalism. You just have to hear it to understand. Interestingly, I got inspired and wrote this entire piece in 2 days. Anyway, this recording is not live, because the string quartet that played it on my recital kind of messed up a lot. If you want, that recording is here Fantasy for Violin and Piano This is another piece that has been performed before. However, this time it went a little smoother. I also added some material in the middle section. The work is in ABA form, and is written in the style of Paul Hindemith or Robert Muczynski, who I became familiar with by playing their flute sonatas. Fourth Brass Quintet- Andante et Vivace Adagio non troppo Vivo con moto This three movement work was composed over the last year. It represents my changes as a composer. The first movement is fairly tonal but has some leanings towards dissonance and some pandiatonicism. The second movement starts fairly normal but with the addition of serial elements (12-tone) near the end it crescendos to the final chord, a dissonant Dm9. I regain my tonal center in the third movement, which is very scherzo-like, though the hintings of dissonance still stick around here and there. I love this piece and am looking into getting it published. Also, you might have already heard the first movement, but this recording is of a much better quality. Videos: I also recorded everything on tape! Though the quality was pretty bad (VHS). If you are interested though, here are the links: Dark Wood, Dark Water March for Woodwind Quintet Sky High (Jazz Combo) Fantasy for Violin and Piano Fourth Brass Quintet BONUS: Finally, I just performed a piece on a small recital on piccolo. This recital was for the finalists in a competition to play a concerto with the Valdosta Symphony Orchestra. I was one of the finalists, obviously, but only the winner gets to play with the orchestra (though I was apparently a very, very close second). I got to play just with the piano, but it was still awesome, and the recording came out pretty good! So, here it is: Concerto for Piccolo and Orchestra - Lowell Liebermann Well, this is a ton of material, so I hope some of you will give it all a listen and leave me some feedback. This composition recital is the culmination of my work in the last 2 years, and I am very excited to post it here. Thanks for listening! -Corran
  8. Hey thanks guys! I have to say that it's been one of my "life goals" to get a remix onto OCR. Seriously. I found this place way way back when it first opened, in like 1999 or 2000. OCR is what got me into music and recording, etc. I am overjoyed to finally have something here! Thanks again for everyone's support! -Oh and by the way feel free to check more of my work at http://iplayflute1985.googlepages.com/
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