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Everything posted by Debotron-6K

  1. Hmm.. I see what you are talking about, but 'Edit Automation' is greyed out. ???
  2. Hey guys.. got a question about panning. Here is a visual aid: As you can see, I've got this malstrom pattern that plays four times. I want to pan it from left to right each time it plays. What's the easiest way to do this?
  3. I demand more Koji Kondo calls
  4. Your mom just wanted to have fun...
  5. Because Ziwatra is the best remixer, ever. End of story
  7. Larry I'd like to request that you play Shitty_Judge_Faggot_OC_ReMix OK PLZ???
  8. That's right. We're coming Larry. and it's gonna be oily.
  9. Indeed. It's a short trip from Athens to tha ATL.
  10. Great show last night, Larry. I was laughing my ass off at "Jim Holland".
  11. Hell yeah!!! Thanks for the streams Larry. Listening to the Darkesword interview, haha, great stuff. Wish you could nix the video and send out a higher bitrate audio stream tho This is cool though, for all of us who missed it.. so did weed ever show up or what?
  12. Yep, it's your best mix yet!! Excellent.
  13. My girlfriend heard this last week when I was playing it from my FF7 Remix cd in the car, and she said that THIS is what she wants played on the piano at her wedding. How 'bout that, kLuTz?
  14. This is definately dope, great choice of a tune to mix from one of my fav soundtracks. let's hear some more siamey!
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