Super-Duper Sombrero
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Everything posted by Super-Duper Sombrero
The server itself doesn't do any MvM, but many members of the community will occasionally do a round or two on a randomly selected server through the quickplay. The server is never (read:extremely rarely) password protected, and has practically zero downtime. I recommend double-checking the IP address you have listed, or just re-adding the IP address ( to your favorites list. The server is almost always active between 10pm to 12am nightly, so feel free to hop in anytime! If you intend to play regularly, make sure to hit up an admin with your SteamID number, and you'll be added to the reserved slot list.
I somehow missed the mod message from GS from two weeks ago telling us about the upcoming downtime, so I checked the website when I saw the server was down today. GameServers is currently relocating their Chicago datacenter, so we're to expect up to 24 hours of downtime. Personally, I think the server will be up again by tonight, but I don't really have any basis for that guess. Just so you guys know! Please don't spam Bahamut that the server is down.
Here is a list of all currently running SM plugins on the OCR server. Almost everything by AlliedModders LLC comes default with SM. You can also find out by typing "sm plugins" in the console. "Vote Scramble Teams" (1.0.500) by KevLaR/Seb/Snipa "Basic Comm Control" (1.5.0-dev+3761) by AlliedModders LLC "Custom Votes" (0.5.6) by chundo "Sound Commands" (1.5.0-dev+3761) by AlliedModders LLC "[TF2] Fake Item Messages" (1.5.0) by DarthNinja "DeadChat" (2.0) by Greyscale "Basic Info Triggers" (1.5.0-dev+3761) by AlliedModders LLC "Client Preferences" (1.5.0-dev+3761) by AlliedModders LLC "SourceBans" (1.4.10) by SourceBans Development Team "Spray Tracer" (5.8a) by Nican132, CptMoore, Lebson506th "Anti-Flood" (1.5.0-dev+3761) by AlliedModders LLC "[TF2] High Five Enemies" (1.1) by FlaminSarge "Admin Menu" (1.5.0-dev+3761) by AlliedModders LLC "Basic Chat" (1.5.0-dev+3761) by AlliedModders LLC "Rock The Vote Extended" (1.9.2) by Powerlord and AlliedModders LLC "Admin File Reader" (1.5.0-dev+3761) by AlliedModders LLC "[TF2Items] Manager" (1.4.1) by Damizean & Asherkin "Map Nominations Extended" (1.9.2) by Powerlord and AlliedModders LLC "MapChooser Extended" (1.9.3) by Powerlord, Zuko, and AlliedModders LLC "SQL Admins (Prefetch)" (1.5.0-dev+3761) by AlliedModders LLC "TF Force Holidays" (1.8.1) by Powerlord "TF2 Class Restrictions" (0.6) by Tsunami "Fun Commands" (1.5.0-dev+3761) by AlliedModders LLC "SQL Admins (Threaded)" (1.5.0-dev+3761) by AlliedModders LLC "Player Commands" (1.5.0-dev+3761) by AlliedModders LLC "TF2 FF on during waiting for players" (1.1) by Ratty "SQL Admin Manager" (1.4.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC "Remote Control Sentries" (5.1) by twistedeuphoria,CnB|Omega,Tsunami,-=|JFH|=-Naris "Fun Votes" (1.5.0-dev+3761) by AlliedModders LLC "Name Change Punisher" (1.0) by Powerlord "Reserved Slots" (1.5.0-dev+3761) by AlliedModders LLC "Basic Commands" (1.5.0-dev+3761) by AlliedModders LLC "Basic Votes" (1.5.0-dev+3761) by AlliedModders LLC "[TF2] Resize Players" (1.1.2) by 11530 "Admin Help" (1.5.0-dev+3761) by AlliedModders LLC "Nextmap" (1.5.0-dev+3761) by AlliedModders LLC "[TF2Items] Give Weapon" (3.10) by asherkin (Updated by FlaminSarge)
If the votecrits plugin wasn't a problem, believe me, it would still be there. Currently though (like GM said) that's not really a viable option due to funky coding vulnerabilities though. I've already looked at a few other plugins that offer similar functionality, but they do things like automatically initiating a vote after a map starts (too intrusive for me, thanks), one that has some sort of passive vote based on user settings, and one that apparently gives admin to all the players. I really really liked the old votecrits, how it was similar to RTV in that to even initiate a vote, a certain portion of the players would have to call for it before it would even pop up. Actually this isn't a bad idea. I (briefly) looked for the exploitable plugin to see if any progress had been made, but I didn't see it. Any links or more info would be awesome.
Double post for great justice! So this topic has been brought up more than a few times since we last discussed it, and it might be nice to put thoughts in writing without gunfire and explosions covering up everyone's ideas. Random crits. Currently they're on, as per vanilla rules of TF2. LEAVE THEM ON Leaving them on means we retain the higher weight of the autojoin master server list. This is what usually brings in the pubs, and can kickstart an empty server. TURN THEM OFF Turning them off can make gameplay less frustrating and more consistent. My thoughts - Turn that shit off, yo It's incredibly annoying to lose a fight against someone you should've bested, but lucky crits dictate otherwise (Random Bushwacka, anyone?). Not even mentioning that a well-placed natural 20 means a single heavy (or soldier, or demoman, or pyro) can clear an entire control point or payload cart (I personally did this just today, in fact), nullifying the efforts of the entire other team in an instant. Given the fact that the server is frequented and often filled entirely with regulars, pub players usually just end up getting kicked about half an hour into the night anyway. For me anyway, I couldn't give a damn about the pubbies. I have a much more enjoyable time playing with people I know I'll see again tomorrow or the next day, instead of some random player who doesn't care about the community at all. I should also note that (I'm pretty sure, at least) disabling random criticals does not actually remove us from the auto-join list. This was incorrect. Disabling random criticals does indeed remove you from the quickplay list. (Thanks Aeronaut!) Personally, I'd also love to see damage spread and bullet spread disabled as well. I prefer to know how much damage I can do at a given point in time. I firmly believe that soldiers should die after one headshot and one bodyshot, but I digress. Criticals discussion keeps popping up every night, so let's get it out of the way.
Updated a few plugins on the server. BulletinVotes is working again (use the F1-F5 keys to vote), as well as forced holidays. Halloween items now appear properly. Are there any other server issues that you guys can think about? Or maybe certain handy things you'd like to see? With Bahamut's approval, of course.
So here's my post of spare shit I'm willing to part with, to go someone who might use them. I've apparently been collecting a bunch of hats that will never see the light of day, so here goes. I'll take a reclaimed for each of these, but please only say something if you plan on maybe using them. HATS/MISC: Soldier: Helmet Without a Home (level 95) Sergeant's Drill Hat (level 51) Demoman: Conjurer's Cowl (crafted by me, level 16) Medic: Gentleman's Ushanka (level 30) Scrap Pack (level 49) Dr Gogglestache (halloween item, level 92) Pyro: Handyman's Handle (level 61) The Hazmat Headcase (level 83) Also some spare weapons in case anyone needs something specific. Not too keen on giving out free stuff to get scrapped down. Crit-a-Cola Boston Basher Frying Pan Ubersaw Dead Ringer Huh. Turns out I didn't have as many weapons as I thought I did. Oh well, those are all up for grabs. I'll try to update/re-post this list as time goes on. I also have various crates, free to anyone. 13x #45 4x #47 4x #49 1x #54 1x #55 Don't post in the thread, just hit me up on steam, or add me (superdupersombrero) if I'm not on your frands list.
It was an addon issue, I believe. Something was set to change map after a certain amount of time (like usual) OR after one team won two rounds. It was misreading a point capture as a round victory though, so it was initiating a mapchange after two point captures on a map. Dustbowl stage 1 counts as two captures, two checkpoints for payload, etc. Seems to be somewhat patched up for now. I couldn't really figure out a neat way to script this. I'll take a look at it tomorrow when it isn't 2am, but the best I could do tonight was to give you a forward/previous binding setup: bind mwheelup +cycleup bind mwheeldown +cycledown alias cycleup "+attack3;wait 5;-attack3" alias cycledown "+attack3;wait 5;-attack3;wait 5;+attack3;wait 5;-attack3" Mousewheel up and down seemed the most obvious, but change it as you please.
Quick question I'm just throwing out there folks. Should I reset the counters on my sniper rifle for the new year? I never did any farming or anything, but I didn't add the two new counters until long after I started using it. Also, should I get a third counter for it? It already tracks kills, headshot kills, and dominations. Can't really think of what else to track.
Pika22 - You may try reinstalling steam. If you only reinstall the steam platform, I believe it will only reset your settings and preferences without touching any downloaded games or save data. Just download the installer package from http://store.steampowered.com/about/ May not work, but it's worth a shot. It also may be an issue with your laptop internet.
The server is still running strong, and you're welcome to join us anytime! I like to think we keep a pretty easy going and friendly environment, though I would say that most of our regulars have a somewhat above-average skill level. All of our players are friendly, except for maybe Sombrero. He's kind of a dick. Just shoot him when he's busy laughing, he's a pretty simple boss fight.
Remixes, or mashups? I don't know, I wasn't there. In other news there are a few Cvars I'd like to see on the server when convenient. tfh_halloween 2 - This forces full moon mode to be on all the time. The halloween events like random candy will not be enabled, and the halloween bosses will not appear. This pretty much just makes it so you can equip your costume pieces all the time (I demand to be PRETTIEST PRINCESS). sm_cvar tf_max_voice_speak_delay 0 - Now hear me out here, this isn't quite what you think. This cvar has a few options, my favorite being -1. -1 makes it so you can spam voice commands as much as you want and there's no limit, which can get really annoying. I like it, but understand why others don't. However, 0 makes it so you get about twice as many (from default) voice commands in before it starts limiting what you can say. I'd like this, as I can't count how many times I couldn't thank a medic or compliment a sniper because I was too busy chuckling to myself. (No, I won't just stop chuckling to myself. Inconceivable.)
Thanks for the Hat, Lyrai! On a side note, I am now looking for a Grand Duchess Fairy Wings to complete my set, if anyone is willing to part with one (pair?). I shall become the prettiest princess of all! Bahamut, that's probably a good call on removing pony_fortress. When we went to it last night, my game actually crashed when I started downloading the map.