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Super-Duper Sombrero

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Everything posted by Super-Duper Sombrero

  1. By chance, did anyone happen to be recording a demo last night (July 13th) on koth_harvest_final?
  2. First I've heard of this? Been playing Borderlands the last couple of nights, might have missed an in-game conversation.
  3. Anyone know if traded crafted numbered items retain their craft number? Also if The Big Earner #777 would be worth anything?
  4. That one's just for the pyro, I've got a full set of nine. Hastily made and poorly cropped, but it's small and unobtrusive, and I still smile when I see them.
  5. I have that replay saved, actually. Perspective is limited as it was a very short life, but I can send you the demo and/or replay files if you want. EDIT: Unrelated, but amusing:
  6. What sort of expensive are we talking about? I wouldn't mind pitching in like ten bucks or so, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.
  7. Does anyone have want of a Prancer's Pride or a Handyman's Handle? Both are hats for the pyro, and I can't really use them.
  8. Haha, yes! What a cameo.
  9. No, but the icon can be visible when the rest of the player isn't if they're crouching behind something or are otherwise visually obscured.
  10. Colorblind mode. Does the same thing with mad milk. It's in the default options, I believe, though it may have been moved to the advanced options.
  11. On a related note, It is the product of hours of jolly laughing. Also some bodyshoots. Brushfire even makes an appearance, though he's as yet uncredited.
  12. Yeah, for some reason dropping your weapon and taunting makes you more vulnerable. I regret nothing. eh HA HA he ha ha ha ha ha
  13. , my Sniper Surprise video. Nothing really special, and the sound is messed up. The replay editor is really inconsistent at times. I'll put up something interesting one of these days, I promise. (My current project involves the jolly sniper)
  14. Usually I just mash for one of the buttons that will allow me to switch weapons again so I don't get pooped on by the mapvote. That thing has killed me more times than I would like to admit.
  15. The Schadenfreude is an action slot item available in the store for like $7.49 I think.
  16. I've got an extra kritzkrieg if you need it, I suppose. Anyone have the new sniper rifle (Bazaar Bargain)? I'd give a refined for it; I don't have the right items to craft it. Also, , if anyone is interested.
  17. RED is locked, is this intentional? And/or do you plan on posting the password? EDIT: Nevermind, though I wouldn't mind putting a password on it for actual OCR regulars at least for tonight.
  18. Bah, can't get in to the servers. Apparently you have the first servers up in the world or something, they filled up in less than a minute.
  19. God yes, the medic taunt is heroic as hell. Totally worth it.
  20. The hat that everyone gets is called "The Proof of Purchase"; it's an old World War 1 era hat. Also two new equippable taunts, "The Schadenfreude" - your character bursts out laughing, and "The Meet the Medic" - medic taunt where you strike up an heroic pose and apparently angels sing and divine light shines down.
  21. Broke my headset couple days ago. Ordered a new one, so I should start playing again when it gets here (My speakers don't play well with TF2).
  22. Well, F11 is actually one of my mouse buttons (don't ask). I'm not really sure how the knife script works, but it does, and it is glorious.
  23. Personally, the script I use for a quicksentry is bind F11 "destroy 2 0; wait 10; build 2 0" Blows up your sentry, then preps another for placement. Won't actually place until you click, which I find is good for more precision placement. Also only works on servers which allow the wait command (good thing OCR does). Oh, also bind F11 "+attack;wait 6;lastinv" for the spy knife. It replays the draw animation every time you stab someone. Increases the cooldown slightly, but I just can't stop.
  24. That doesn't look much like Ryu to me. I could swear he doesn't have golden eyes. Some kinda ninja robot maybe? Also that's not the Dragon Sword, looks more like the one you get from the spider clan leader guy in NG2 (360). Armor is a different style too, but that could easily just be the new look.
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