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Everything posted by G-Crazy

  1. Hmmm...I think the part I liked the best was when it was OVER!!!!!!!!!!!! HAH!
  2. I didn't like it, and I'm sorry but I didnt even find the lyrics all that funny either. I dont think Space Harriers beat lends itself to rap at all, more epic or trancy stuff. Sorry SS.
  3. Sorry, this is my first review as a member here at OCR, I just want to say that Mazedude's remix is an emotional masterpiece. Hitler did what he believed to be right for his country, you cant deny that he was a powerful speaker, in the remix you can hear the power in his voice. I'm pretty sure in the beginning he says something like "all say HAI", but I dunno for sure. Anyhow, despite Hitler's pros and cons the remix is great. Very touching....and militaristic. There's a great feeling of loss in the music.
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