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Wandering Budoka

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Profile Information

  • Real Name
    Anthony Gutierrez
  • Location
    Galveston, TX
  • Occupation
    U.S. Coast Guard Electronics Technician

Artist Settings

  • Collaboration Status
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Electric Bass
    Electric Guitar: Lead
    Electric Guitar: Rhythm

Wandering Budoka's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Dusk, you just made my day. I've been waiting years for some shade of an NES Strider remix. If you're ever in the market for a new best friend, I'm your guy.
  2. For as long as I've been a member of OCR I've wanted to see at least one remix from Strider on NES. I remember as a kid, I'd sit through the opening credits just to listen to the theme everytime I played it. The opening theme is perfect metal remix material. I'd do it myself, but I just can't seem to find the time
  3. I sensed something awesome brewing at ocremix... Super stoked. I forgot how awesome this place was...
  4. I don't know if you guys and gals remember the Final Fantasy Tactics Advance commercials, but those were, in my opinion, really over the top and horribly annoying commercials. I almost didn't play the game because of them.
  5. I've got a Pentium D 820 2.8 Ghz in my PC right now. I'm not really an Intel fan, but it's what came with a free PC. I've been looking at the Core 2 Duos and I've torn between the 6600 and the 6700. Anyone have some advice on deciding which one to buy? I don't really want to spend the regular price for one, so I'm looking on eBay.
  6. I just got married before I shipped out here to Kodiak. Now I'm alone....stuck.....in Alaska until July. Oh well, there are plenty bears here to keep me warm at night.
  7. I used to work at Target. I pretty much ran the garden shop most of the time, by myself, lol. I really like it pretty much because I like plants. I had to be a cashier too though and deal with all that comes with it, didn't care for that. The pay was min. wage, but I was happy with it at the time, but not happy enough to quit one day because I wanted to spend the day with my fiance. I wouldn't give up what I'm doing now for any position in retail though.
  8. I play a squier stagemaster, pretty much a strat with a twin pivot tremelo and a humbucker in the bridge. pretty good guitar, I've had it for some time. I've got that hooked up to an old 15 watt Peavy transtube and a Boss MT-2 pedal, a Morley wah pedal, and an old cheap chorus pedal that I've tinkered with to make different sounds. I have a Lucero acoustic that I play too. Just a cheap guitar I picked up a while back at guitar center. Plays nice and sounds decent. and I play bass too.
  9. all of AE's work here is great, wish there was more.
  10. This song kicks @$$ and a 1/2, period. Lyrics are great, music is great, 'nuff said.
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