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Posts posted by lazygecko

  1. I think chiptunes hold the same merit as piano arrangements. It will take some interpretation to translate a fully produced song into, say, a 5 channel NES song where only 3 tonal voices are available. You'll need to pick and choose, or figure out other solutions if you want something that harmonically resembles the original. The limited amount of channels I think is the defining point of chiptune covers, which is why stuff like running a 16-channel polyphonic MIDI through a converter to make an "8-bit remix" is frowned upon so much.

  2. You can either bitcrush drum samples, or have them processed through the DPCM conversion in Famitracker if you want some authentic NES quality samples.

    If you want to go for synthetic drums it's all about your synth programming experience. There are also some instrument packs for Famitracker you could sample. Emulating NES white noise through VSTs is almost impossible, I don't know of any VST that can handle the duty cycle switch.

    Trackers is pretty much the optimum way to go. If you hate using them you can just sequence some basic notes and bounce to .wav for use in any DAW.

  3. As I've said several times, you will find a sizable amount of women playing fantasy games like Dragon Age, Elder Scrolls, or any fantasy MMO compared to other genres. And in a lot of cases you'll find that this demographic buys into the sexism just as much as the men do.

  4. Except that the reason more women aren't involved in the game industry is basically "sexism".

    No, I don't think it's because of sexism in the sense that skimpy-clothed boogeygirls are scaring them away. I think it's because of more deeply rooted social values. And even if we do get more women in the industry, I don't believe we'll be seeing that many more "modest" female characters because both boys and girls like to look at exagerrated pretty things, as I've seen from how many female players customize their avatars in fantasy games.

    Women do play FPS games like Call of Duty, but they tend to not make themselves heard for obvious reasons. Probably not as many as those who are into fantasy and MMO games, but definitely a lot more than RTS.

  5. Want to play as one of the awesome
    Too bad, they're male only. Who wants to play a big, bulky woman, right? But don't worry! We designed this race of cute little fairy people with kitty ears,

    Most non-asian RPGs let you play as a female orc these days. Which I often find myself doing. In WoW they are one of the few female races that actually look like they could kick your ass (but then there was the whole female troll incident where Blizzard caved in to fan pressure and made them non-hunchbacks).

  6. There's reasons you don't find as many women playing "hardcore" video games, just as you don't find as many women studying higher level math, or engineering, or female composers/producers/sound technicians, etc.

    And like the latter examples, I'm betting the case for video games lies much more with the gender roles we are instilled with from the day we are born. I don't believe there's anything that makes women inherently less interested in any of this, it's all a social construct. If you want to get more women to play the same kind of games we do (ie non facebook/browser ones), you should probably focus your energy on gender equality in real, social life rather than blaming it all on pretty dressed up dolls. If it is really, actually true that most women who would otherwise be interested in video games are actually disgusted by how the characters are portrayed, then I think the problem will solve itself once these people get an interest in game development and establish themselves in the industry.

  7. Everyone seems so confident on being able to speak for women in general when they claim it's the ridiculous stripper outfits that are the prime reason for alienating women from video games.

    Based on my own experiences, it's generally fantasy and MMORPG communities that have a more balanced male/female ratio. And these are the types of games typically most guilty of objectifying women. The type of communities I've seen the least amount of women participating in are RTS games.

  8. I get the impression most female players in games like WoW or Elder Scrolls enjoy dressing their avatars in the same stereotypical fashion as men do. Just chalk it down to people being vain in general.

    What I find more funny is the disproportionate lack of older female characters in video games (especially as protagonists, though the same applies to men to a lesser extent). Any woman at middle age or above is more likely to be an elf, or some thousand year old divine entity as to retain a youthful appearance. In the few cases you do get genuine elder women like that old mage lady in Dragon Age, or Uthgerd the Unbroken in Skyrim, it doesn't take long for mods to appear that make them look much younger.

  9. ^Great looking dungeon! Beyond designing the architecture, what all goes into something like that / what's left? Item and enemy placement, insertion into the world somewhere...what all is involved with finishing something like that?

    Cluttering is the catch-all term for placing items, furniture, candles, rubble and all that sort of detail. Then there's navmeshing which is basicly AI pathfinding for NPCs. Then you need to do the lighting, sounds, scripts, and finally optimizing so it runs smoothly.

  10. I remember the announcement trailer for Shadow the Hedgehog. It started with a video montage of all the classic Sonic games, then the screen is riddled with bullet holes and Shadow appears with his gun.

    It was probably a lot more symbolic than what they intended.

  11. Creation Kit is coming out any time now, but there's been some noteworthy mods released still without it.

    Wars in Skyrim - This dramaticly overhauls the random encounters you get outside the cities. Very customizable/modular. It's also updated fairly often with many additions so it's worth keeping an eye out for updates.

    Extended Slider Colors - Now you can make an orc with actual green skin. Or a pitch black dark elf. Or a pink khajit.

    Realistic Ragdolls and Force - I haven't had any awkward ragdoll positions after installing this.

    Categorized Favorites Menu - A favorites window that actually makes sense for PC.

    Various Guard Outfits - Gives the guards actual unique uniforms as opposed to mere palette swaps.

    This Japanese blog is worth browsing for mostly cosmetic mods. They list more than just the ridiculous anime stuff.

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