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Posts posted by lazygecko

  1. Digger_T._Rock_-_Legend_of_the_Lost_City_Coverart.png

    Rare made that? I played it back in the day.

    I liked Rare the best when they made their more quirky games for the NES. Cobra Triangle, Snake Rattle n' Roll, Wizards & Warriors (especially part 3 which no one talks about). Starting with Battletoads they headed into more cookie cutter territory, making games in popular genres that weren't as good as the heavy hitters (with the exception of Goldeneye standing out from other console shooters).

  2. Graphics sliders/settings. Mostly talking about console games here. First of all console devs in general are all too happy with sacrificing framerate for graphics, instead of leaving players with a choice. GTA3 on PS2 had an unacceptable framerate for me, then I noticed that I could turn off motion blur in the options, which instantly improved the performance. This was a wise move by Rockstar.

    Second, all the fancy schmancy post-processing effects people utilize these days have a tendency to be really fucking tasteless and obnoxious. Like very blatant distance blur, eye-bleeding bloom/HDR or a freakin grain filter (zomg it looks more CINEMATIC!!!!). It says something when the graphics are in fact improved when going from Ultra High to just High.

  3. As someone who has been used to post-release content for PC games since the 90's, after the DLC method was established I think that the value for what you pay for has gone completely down the shitter.

    Small things, like a couple of new multiplayer maps and the likes, would typically be distributed for free separetely or included in a patch. If a more substantial amount of content was created it would be sold as an expansion pack for a decent price like $19-$29. Today we get things like the CoD map packs, 4 (where 2 of them are recycled from the previous game) for $15.

    There are a few developers that haven't lowered the bar for their customers like Valve and Epic (barring Gears of War, but that's Microsoft's decision, not theirs). The Titan Pack for UT3 included a pretty generous amount of new maps and new game modes without costing a dime, as is the tradition with UT bonus packs. It was released on PC and PS3, but MS wouldn't have any of that on the 360. If it was released as paid DLC it would probably be priced at around $49 or something. Got to keep the XBL userbase blissfully ignorant, after all.

  4. You can sort of do a half-assed workaround for this in VSTs that support portamento/legato. Set the portamento time to something you're comfortable with, and then bend the pitch with just using poly notes. When needed you can use several "steps" of notes to adjust the curve.

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