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Everything posted by omegaslade
My God this thing is still going lol. any how nomination. Omega Pirate on hard mode ridly on hard mode adn yes metriod prime on hard mode all from well metriod prime lol...... Fear these people for they are the end of your world lol.
hahaha that omega has been mentioned so many times. i only went against him twice. first time i instaltly died( damn level 100 they shoudl leave it at 99) second time i got murdered adn i havent tried since haha. personally the first time i found ruby had and heck even emeradl before i figured him out lol. ever notice thoguh that the final bosses for final fantasy are gettign dumber and dumber
ok is any one else getting false messages cause ever time i get a message that some ons posted it is the same thing?
no way i just heard soem one say nemisis was hard. nemisis was a wuss. i had no extended life or any thign and i kicked his ass easyly. all it takes is every one knowing quick hit 3 final weapons and a whole lot of aeons being sacrificail lambs hahaha. nemisis was a major disapoint ment after all that work i did to unlock him. coem to think of it omega dosen;t even deserve the name omega cause he was a wuss too.
greater shpere was pretty hard and so was that gigantic flan adn nega elemental . alll the ones that reacted with ultima . i beat them but didnt; have any extra life jsut the normal 9999
yeah having the grenade cut and a quick trigger / reload button lol but the empror and magicain weren;t no easy walk in teh park neither
Ha ha i remeber that boss and yeah he was a pain in the ass to beat. i woudl have to say he was the hardest boss fo the game. adn for all that work what happnes you find ou tit was all a dream lol. you shoudl at least get teh girl
Dude just because it sports shinging force two characters it is cool. and how can you say that last battle was hard i mean that was an easy battle. it was no diff from what the y did in the first one. they mad you figfht dark sol then dark dragon but in the first on you had enimes that coudl apear. in teh second one you didn't the only battle that was remotly hard was the battle with odd eye and thats cause he coudl hit you crom a good distance plus you had to figure out how to get around the thing and avoid from falling
First of all omega weapon was in teh castle not the underwater thing. you ar refering to ultimate weapon. any how you had problems with jumbo cactaur? man that is sorry he was one of the easiest bosses in teh game i mean a few of irvines specails and he was trhough.
that ones easy all you have to do is make sure you are a good level and have plenty of arua and also make sure you have teh lion heat. a few lion heats and the guys dead also have irvine and use fast ammo ( if you have a controler with turbo that really helps lol) and it shoudl be a peice of cake
Final boss of sonic blast man 2 . Well not the final final boss but the guy that looks liek blast man he was hard as hell expecailly on hard. It took me forever to beat him.
How about the last boss to streets of rage three. that guy was hard ( i am talkin about the final mister x robot at the end of the factory) i mean beating it is one thign but beating it in the time limit that gets to be difficult.
lol kefka? an offering and a genji glove took care of him in one round. altime hardest woudl have to be either ruby or omega weapon from ff8. i woudl mention the omegas on x but they were how shall i put it REALLY GAY and easy.
LOL check the chocobo bredding part of yoru guide ( if you have one ) if not go to http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/psx/game/20052.html and read the faq on chocbo breeding and on any thign else you might need and as for the rose and the harp. well teh harp gets you thee master materias( master magic command and summon) which lets you use any i mean all spells and the rose gets you a gold chocobo. (^)_(^) any thign else?
Nope its true its up in teh north east part of the map yo uneed a gold chocobo to get it it has the all powerfull knights of the round table materia in it. as you can tell from the name all 13 knioghts ( aurthur included) coem out and attack from 9999 which is good but on ruby it won;t work cause you will get countered wit ultima. and you get teh the dang i forget what you get for beating emerald of yeah the desert harp. and you get the dessert rose from ruby
Its simple ok you can do it one of two ways you can eiter get all teh way up to level 99 and find the final attack adn master a pheonix( combine them adn you er revived after you die) or you can do my favorite and go to the beack over be yuffies place. why you ask? simple just go there and make sure you are under 7000 hp. get into a battle with the turtle thingy and hit your self while minaturized untill the last two digits are 77 then just use potions untill it is at 7777 but make sure you have the materia you want so that the health dosen;t change then just go into battle. that works for emerald you will sit there and hit him for a log tim eif he actualyl does hit you make sure oyu have knights of the round and mine and a ass load of ethers and just go from there now ruby is harder and i haven;t actually beat him yet (V)_(V)
OCR00305 - Sonic the Hedgehog "Particle Brain"
omegaslade replied to Saunders's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Best sonig remix i have heard not counting some of thoses done by jivemaster but this is a good remix. but mabye i say that cause i always loved that stage lol -
heres another oldie but a goodie. the last boss on axley on hard with the 2nd first arm the 2nd second arm and the 3rd third arm ( thats teh homing lasers the morning star and the clister bombs for thoses who dont; know what i am talking about.) if any one else has done it let me know cause it took me forever to do it lol.
Ok how about r-type 3 final boss second mission with the first force weapon. you wanna talk abotu insanity. i barly made it throguh it( its not immpossible but really really really hard) you've got a guy that only lets you do so much damage to him cause he opens his misshappen mouth and lets roaches every where that are liek minature bosses them self plus he has big balls of light jsut hovering every where. then if that isn;t enough after you beat him you have to fly liek mad to avoid his arms then when you think your done he sticks his ugly head back out of his dimension and spews little light balls that not only hom ein on you while going out but make a u turn after they are off screen and come back towards you . sound liek fun well it was (^)_(^)
I woulf have to agree with all of you. neoanglo may be a hard boss but hes nothin compared to thoses damn nightmares expescailly the last one because yoru in a tight confined space and you got miss bitch over there zappiong you. but hey thats what yoru suposed to save your incincibles and holy water for lol. but heres another idea...... all the games of today usually have gay bosses case in point ffx i mean thoses bosses every the nemisis( omega gold) was hella sorry soul reaver 2 was sorry also. but as for hardest dude i thnk you shoudl have steped up one and just said teh final nightmare was cause you shoudl knwo by now that he will be.
LOL well if yoru going to mention r-type you might as well mention all of them i mean the boss from hmm which one was it the one on the super that they remade for the playstation was hard. like the one boss you had to shott while winding yrou way throguh an almost inpossible maze as the screen moves faster and faster. that spells even more fun
PHANTOM 2040 for the sega
well if you don't liek blowing robots up and hanging from walls or a game with a really good story lien with chocies you can make in it then dont; bother with the game (^)_(^)
then go play it lol you'll like it
no problem