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Everything posted by omegaslade

  1. yeah umm http://www.freeroms.com/ heres where i got it from. it shoudl eb tehre some where oh and iif you decid to look at the other roms here the snes ones don;t work
  2. Yeah the game was hard and the movie had nothign to do with the phantom cartoon. but any how any one who has played it and made it to the final boss (maxwell sr in a weird for) will knwo that that has to be one of the hardest boss ( not the hardest cause i have beaten it before) but it will definetly take you awaile
  3. Youve never hear dof phantom 2040. aww man. it was a cartoon the they stoped showing it the made a game and a movie out of it. basically it is liek a futuristic spider man except he wars purple.
  4. ok heres one probaly no one has thought of. how about the last boss to phantom 2040. i mean if you didn;t save almost ever energy aid you found you were gonna die. i mean i usually ran out half way through the thing. cause lets face it some of thoses bosses have rediculous amouts of life.
  5. yeah i remeber him he was really hard to beat i mean he had all the crystals and stuff. and being able to only get to level 30 didn;t help( since that was max level)
  6. well if your like at level 70-80 and have to crisagrims or a vaporal blade you don;t even have to doge if you are quick enough. lets see hardest boss teh final boss on metal slug x. expescially if you are trying to do it on the survival mode.
  7. also the dracula in castlevania sotn was way to easy i mean all you have to do was get two crissagrims and have a good level. i had him dead in abotu a minute.
  8. hmm i have never played 7th saga what system is it on. and btw strider are you the same strider that did all thoses songs for mp3.com if you are thoses songs were cool i have most of them.
  9. Greater shpere was his name. and yeah i had a lot of problems wiht him too. i haven't gotten all the celestial weapons but i basically made wakkas and lulu's. any how omega gold was a wuss though i did go throught almost all of my aeons trying to beat him. but all the credit for helping me beat all of the bosses has to go to one person. DON TONBERRY. if it haddn;t been for him i would have never gotten any thing well actually some of the credit goes to one eye also for giving me my weapons to i could fight done tonberry but he gets the most credit. and as far as omega of ff8 he was a wuss in fact both of them were pretty much simple.but then again there aren;t any bosses as hard as the ones in ff 10 i mean come on 5 mil when you can only do 99999( which i like) that alwasy took a while.
  10. how abotu the ffx special bosses( i already beat them all but they were still hard) liek the guy in the water.
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