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The Orichalcon

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Posts posted by The Orichalcon

  1. yeah, it doesn't quite seem up to the feel that goes into other Sil pieces I've heard.

    Not to say I don't enjoy this. from about 1:20 - 1:40 was good. It just doesn't sound emotional enough in the areas it's supposed to. It all sounds like it's been compressed to one volume, there are no major peaks or anything. Granted around 2:40 has some nice quiet and then loud areas.

    Arrangement is outstanding though. Better than anything I could do.

    Congrats Sil.

    Edit: Love the highwind part. Couldn't be happier with it. ;)

  2. I've been listening again. This is amazing. I think I have a new list-topper.

    Congrats zircon and "unknown"

    Edit: I just found out what it reminds me of. It sounds like something out of edward scissorhands! (the first 2 minutes anyway.) Those slurring choir sounds are wonderful.

    Well done guys, seriously.

    Edit2: Karl just pointed out to me that djp already pointed out the resemblance to Edward Scissorhands in his review. That'll teach me to not read djp's reviews first.

  3. Coop: why does the thread keep disappearing?

    I wish I knew. Even [-Smoke-] doesn't know what happened to the first thread, and I'm sure the second ones disappearance is just as mysterious.

    I'm wondering if it has something to do with it not being posted in for 3-4 weeks, since that seems to be how long threads last in this forum. Maybe despite being a stickied thread, it still gets deleted due to inactivity.

    We'll just have to remember to reply to it every fortnight or so.

  4. This is doom??? Wow, you've really changed the mood. If i heard this somewhere random i'd never know. That doesn't mean thats it doesn't have any original melody to it, but man, it's completely different than what i expected, i really should have read more closey to what djp was talking about.

    This was the credits music, it's meant to sound really sad and DjRedlight did a magnificent job in capturing the emotion of this piece.

    The level music in doom is eerie, hardcore and sad all rolled into one. The credits music was always sad though. Remember the victory music from doom 1?

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