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The Orichalcon

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Posts posted by The Orichalcon

  1. Umm.. I'm not sure if anyone actually noticed this, but there are Lyrics in the background, that are well.. Not appropriate for a Family Audience. Listen in the sections between the Verses and you can hear a lady whispering some rather, well, Im not really so sure as I can barely make out the words, but there is definatly somthing there ^_^. I have only been able to make out some of the words so far.

    ( There is some of the Voice at 1:10-1:17 )

    She's just saying

    "Fi-nal Fanta-sy, yeah final fantasy, Final Fan-tasy, yeah final fantasy."

  2. I think I've heard that soundbyte from the 2'07" point before.. heh.. the tone is haunting :twisted:

    The sound is the noise when the Spider Mastermind is powering up.

    Thanks for the comments everyone, I used Spectrasonics Stylus and Atmosphere to put together this piece, and a hell of a lot of time tweaking EQ, Distortion, Compression and LFO.

  3. I'm surprised I haven't commented on this one.

    But for christs sake, if you haven't listened to this yet there's something wrong with you or you're terminally ill and can't reach the computer.

    This remix is beautiful, that's all really. The distortion is perfect.

    Without a doubt this is my favourite mix on this site and has been since I first came here.

  4. Thanks for the comments everyone.

    For those of you who think the guitar was balanced wrong, or too loud. I actually have a second remastered version of this that I released on a soundtrack for a game earlier this month. If you really want to hear it (and some other guitar pieces that FIDGAF and I have come up with) you can download the soundtrack here:


    The Remastered version of this remix is music_bar_generic02.wav

    Glad to hear you like it.

  5. TO & FIDGAF - Seiken Densetsu 3 "Electrion (Guitar Mix)" [IONCROSS: Total War OST] - ZIP of the full OST / Feedback

    Lee Barber & Damon De Maio have collabed on a full soundtrack for a mod of the space-based strategy game Freelancer, with this remix of Hiroki Kiukta's "Swivel" functioning as the Rheinland theme and representing only one of three remixes in the mostly original soundtrack. I don't mind saying that this mix should eventually have to-be-posted status at OCR, so you should give it a look to preview some quality upcoming material featuring FIDGAF with some powerful guitar support and TO providing engaging ambience and beats in the front, transforming the (shitty) original into a completely different monster. After hearing this mix, there's no doubt the rest of the IONCROSS: Total War soundtrack will be good, so if you have a good connection, go ahead and download the 50MB ZIP featuring the full OST. Get more information on the full Freelancer mod from the IONCROSS development team at http://www.ioncross.com.

    Thanks for the pimp on this one mate. Glad to see you like that piece. ;)

    Just to capitalise on this, anyone that has Microsoft Freelancer, feel free to come on over and join our server with the Total War mod. Loads of fun, you choose your side of the four teams, one of the two pirate sides (Rogues and Hessians) and either Rheinland or Liberty. I'd love to see you there. (www.ioncross.com for more info)

    Apologies to LT for temporarily hi-jacking his thread. ;) It's all yours again.

  6. The main instrument sounds a bit loud at times, like it could have benefitted from EQ'ing.

    It sounded so promising at the beginning, like it was going to build up to something special, but the contrasting notes just don't sound right to me. There were parts in the original of this piece that were very prominent, where all the instruments came together for a decisive powerful note, this mix has rejected that idea and taken away the charm from the original in my opinion.

  7. Interesting stuff. Actually, the main reason I downloaded this is 'cause I used to play that game. And I never got ANYwhere with it. I could never figure out what I was supposed to shoot or where I was supposed to go. While the remix doesn't really bring back floods of those memories, listening to the original certainly does. I'm not sure why I kept trying to play that game as long as I did. Man, those were the days...

    A bit delayed.. but..

    You were supposed to head towards the yellow dot, blowing up the orange dots as you went along to get blue dots. Occasionally you'd be attacked by a green dot, but they were easy to take down with your white lines.

    The tunnel flight in that game was horrendous. You couldn't stop the ship, so you're constantly moving forward, and if you happen to hit the wall in the tunnel, well you're pretty much buggered, especially when you go through the tunnel wall and somehow end up back in the tunnel upside down, only to crash again. hehe, that was fun.

    Anyway, I still listen to this mix a lot. Kudos to the mixer. It's the dotty lead that captures me.

    And yes, the sex.mod filename is most amusing. :D

  8. Well I have a game soundtrack coming out very soon (a matter of a fortnight) and I'm hoping that LT will do me the honour of playing a few select pieces from it over a couple of weeks. That's pretty much original and designated to the OCR community.

  9. ah this is tifa's theme isn't it?

    Yeah the beginning isn't too interesting, it's nice and mellow, but that brass instrument isn't great quality.

    oh no, theremin's journey! I hate that lead. (The whistling sound.) too much slur on it.

    This is well arranged, but it's boring to me. I've heard better arrangements of Tifa's theme. The piano arrangement off the soundtrack is great.

    Not my type of piece at all unfortunately.

  10. Being the first megaman remix I've ever heard, I review this song as unbiased as there is possible.

    I love it, the singing style thing in there is perfect, along with the piano and flange-synth. This is a masterpiece, it just sounds in parts like it's missing something, like the main instrument isn't held down long enough.

    But I love it.

    As I said to a friend:

    "this is the kind of music you have playing while making love to a fine piece of cheese."

  11. I just don't really like the plucky guitar. That's all.

    I've had another listen, concentrating on the melody in the background. It's pretty good now that I've listened again.

    The guitar sounds alright, it's just the pluckiness that ruined it for me. The notes in this were originally strings and were meant to be smooth together. I can't stand things that play, then stop, then play, then stop, then play, then stop, instead of constantly playing.

    But listening to the percussion closely, it is pretty good. The ahh choir could have been a little better.

    Personally I don't really know how this one made it onto the site. It doesn't seem up to par with the other remixes, and I've seen some better stuff that didn't make it. It's good, but there's hardly any variation at all.

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