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Everything posted by KakTheInfected

  1. It's a bit more annoying that Hunters can still dodge and parry while feigning death. Nice one there Blizzard.
  2. At least you can still spam Moonfire...that's fun...right? I would suggest making a Warrior if you really want something that's going to kick ass in battlegrounds. Throw a healer or two on a Warrior and watch the fun.
  3. Well, at the very least, rogues are going to be far more important in WSG now. Improved Sprint will make it so much easier to get across the field, since you not only increase your run speed but break free of snares. Throw in Evasion to that and you have a flag runner better than any Druid.
  4. UBRS runs for dragon skin can provide some decent cash. Here's a question for Warriors or Paladins who use Hand of Justice. Does your character swing a 2h weapon like a 1h when HoJ procs? Mine (Undead) always seems to and I gotta say it looks pretty cool swinging a TUF over your head.
  5. Eh, I really didn't notice. I'm not a caster But still, do you really think it's going to happen here? Blizzard knows that 90% of the WoW population is rogues and they're not going to make them a thousand times better than they are now.
  6. Well, in my opinion, PVP makes this game, and PVP is the most fun and rewarding at 60. Though I know a lot of people who don't enjoy PVP at all...
  7. I remember reading that too, but what other class NEEDS a talent to PVP? Especially one that costs 10 points in a tree you might not even want to use? Improved Arcane Explosion was given to Mages for free, but even using it pre-patch without the talent wasn't nearly as gimped as playing a Warrior without TM, so why give Mages special treatment? I personally play a warrior thats lvl 52...he's fury spec, which is much fun. on the note of tactical mastery...i've specced with it full, and usually, it's just too much. you only need crossover rage for three things from what I've seen. plummel, intercept, and overpower...2 points in TM will cover both of those, mostly for switching to zerker and pummeling...as a fury warrior, overpower isn't as essential as pummel and intercept are, so those two points serve me well. personally, I haven't been gimped for using 2 points in the talent...leaves me free to put em somewhere more useful You're in for a rude awakening at 60 my friend. It may not seem too useful now, but you'll need to kill as quickly as possible then and if you don't, Warrior is as good as dead. That's why Protection Warriors are basically useless in PVP unless they're flag running and being healed.
  8. Oh god, don't be so naive that you think a talent review is going to cause your effectiveness in battle to jump 200% If you play a rogue and you can't beat a target 1v1 now, chances are you won't be able to do it ever.
  9. I remember reading that too, but what other class NEEDS a talent to PVP? Especially one that costs 10 points in a tree you might not even want to use? Improved Arcane Explosion was given to Mages for free, but even using it pre-patch without the talent wasn't nearly as gimped as playing a Warrior without TM, so why give Mages special treatment?
  10. Forums look fine to me. I wonder if Warrior is getting another review anytime soon. Yes, I realize there was one about this time last year and yes I realize Blizzard has stated numerous times they see no problem with the class, but as long as Tactical Mastery is a talent and things like Polearm spec are harder to get simply because there isn't enough room in the talent tree window to put it beside the other weapon talents, the talents are broken.
  11. Fought a paladin today with whatever their version of Conqueror's gear is. Beat him twice easily and he comes on a Horde alt and starts bitching me out about how Disarm and Demoralizing Shout are cheap and unfair. Gee, sorry I can't stun someone for 5 seconds and beat on them or shield and get uninteruptable heals.
  12. But Alliance characters look...gay
  13. Even though they have only a single use, those uses are very important. Also, not all classes get much benefit out of stacking stamina or spirit over other attributes so if there is a luck skill and it's tied to those, it would be awfully unfair.
  14. Unfortunately, most Warriors with Hand of Ragnaros are terrible. I don't know the ones you're talking about so I can't speak for them, but many on Natherizm still have Valor gear...and do less damage than I can with a TUF. As far as a "luck" stat goes...I highly doubt it would be spirit, if it indeed exists
  15. Kak just wondering but what class are you? Because any hunter with half a brain can beat both a rouge and a warrior pretty easily. Not enough snares and CC? You are kidding right? Our class revolves so much around snaring and CC its not even funny (especially in group pvp settings). We have (Imp) wing clip, freezing trap, FROST trap (emphasis heavily added) with the entrapment talent, scatter shot, and (imp) conc shot - to say that our class doesn't have enough is laughable especially for locking down melee classes. Not having enough damage? The hunter class is notorious for massive burst damage, which is why we are getting nerfed (again) next patch. Can you can tell me another class that can 2 shot tier 2 cloth and 3-4 shot leather without timers? Gear does play a part in this a lot but without the skill terrible hunters will get killed easily. To be honest the only classes that give me trouble in a non duel situation (I hate duels with a passion) are lol shadow spec priests and soul link warlocks - but then again who doesn't have a hard time against a warlock. Rouges are probably my easiest class to deal with, due to how quickly they die, how they are rediculously easy they are to CC and how I can negate their class with a little thing called hunter's mark. Even if they get the opener on me and attempt to frontload it takes a whole lot to take me down due to my mitigation being nearing 50 percent. Combined with the CCs,versitility, armor mitigation and burst damage of the hunter, as it stands it is one of the best end game classes in the game. Again that is only if you know how to use the hunter to its potential, as from what I know it is one of the hardest classes to master end game (PvP not PvE). And I know it was just an example you made but rank doesn't equal skill in the slightest bit. I've seen so many trashbag rank 14 hunters who are just as dumb as they were before they started the grind, cause that's all it is - a grind, not a test of skill. Being as geared out as I am, I actually get frustrated seeing someone die in 2 hits, but at the same time it's why I love my class. I'm a Warrior with mostly epics, rank 12 (soon to be 13 and 14) gear and 5100 HP. My gear is pretty good, but certainly not the best. However, I have no trouble against Dragonstalker or rank 14 Hunters. I spend far too much time in WSG/AB, so trust me when I tell you I'm experienced in how PVP works. It's not like ALL Hunters on Nathreizm just suck and that's why I'm beating them but you're just magically different. A skilled Warrior will beat a skilled Hunter everytime. It's just the way the game is. No offense, but your post sounds like the good old-fashioned "I can do what everyone else finds impossible just because I'm skilled" post. With all the time I've spent in battlegrounds, if there was a Hunter who could solo me, he'd have done it by now.
  16. Get Soul Link (yes I'm aware you can't get it at 24)
  17. Be happy you're not playing the old AV matches where many could last for over 12 hours.
  18. That's odd. I could swear everytime I Charge/Intercept with Crippling Poison on I still overshoot the target by about 20 yards, which is a problem that has been around since before I started playing in July of last year. But I must be wrong...
  19. I find Hunter is the second easiest class for me to kill next to Druid. They simply don't have enough CC/snares or damage to kill a melee target before it catches up to them. Even rank 14 ones can't do enough damage to save their lives. Of course, they probably have a much easier time vs. casters, but I have no problem with them on Warrior or Rogue. Just saying don't get your hopes up and thinking Hunter is going to be so great at 60
  20. Yeah, good thing they're adding raid instances instead of fixing existing lag and stability problems...
  21. The lag is really getting old. I just died about 10 times on my 28 Druid trying to do the same quest against weak level 26 mobs.
  22. *sigh* Login today, find myself close to rank 10 but just short...then I look at my record and see my 1st dishonorable kill. Almost 40k honorable with no dishonorable, and one of my friends plvling their shitty characters goes and kills a civilian in Badlands.
  23. If I don't have rank 10 tomorrow after maintenence, I'm cancelling my account again. This lag is making it impossible to enjoy PVP, or anything else in the game for that matter.
  24. Children of Mana = tasty.
  25. If your combat log displays rage gains then SCT can display that to you. Unfortunately, it doesn't. There would be way too many lines in the combat log if it did.
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