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Everything posted by KakTheInfected

  1. There are 2 ways to get the IBS I believe. One is to check with one of the NPCs after a victory, which would be very easy, the other is kill that big troll which isn't so easy. AV is only there so you can get easy epics. It's not a good place to farm honor at all.
  2. The fact that you signed up on a forum just to defend the rogue class says a lot. And no, not in your favor.
  3. I would like to know what rogues you're fighting then...especially as a Holy/Disc priest So far I'm having no trouble tearing through anything that wears cloth except for some Soul Link locks, which can sometimes be difficult on my warrior. Edit: Are the new Argent Dawn rewards going to require raiding? I really want that epic necklace.
  4. Well, you're right about rogues being dead without their skills charged, but still, fully charged a rogue has the ability to take out anybody. The only thing that prevents them from doing so is the player. I've killed some very skilled rank 14 rogues, but that's because I've had a Mortal Strike or Whirlwind land through Evasion...which is VERY lucky. An Overpower every 6 seconds is not enough to kill anyone. Luckily, most rogues don't know how to play their class and lose easily in 1v1. But the good ones...can't do nothing when you can't move for the whole fight.
  5. In a battle vs. a rogue, a trinket will only break 1 of 6 possible stuns, and berserker rage will only break sap and gouge. It's not that easy, ever. Trinkets become useless when you can vanish or blind and start from scratch.
  6. It's obvious. The stuns (or blind) need to have their duration reduced. Under NO circumstances, level differences aside, should your opponent be stunned throughout a whole fight. It's exactly the same as if polymorph wouldn't break due to damage and wouldn't restore HP.
  7. It's not an opinion...please don't feign ignorance. Rogues have the skills to win 1v1 no matter what class your opponent is.
  8. You need to stop talking about tanking. Tanking is *not* difficult, at least not compared to PVP. The fact of the matter is, rogues can effectively keep a target stunned until it's dead simply by blinding and vanishing before a target recovers from a previous stun. Controlling almost every aspect of the battle = overpowered.
  9. My question is, why should rogues even get the option to vanish? Of course, I'm not limiting this to rogues, as druids can just shapeshift to escape, mages can frost nova, blink and hope to mount etc. However, even if vanish breaks, you can still hit sprint and make it away before the enemy can retarget you... Sweeping Strikes was only in the Arms tree and not only did everyone whine about it, it got nerfed. My problem with Blade Flurry is that it's not limited by a number of strikes. Everyone cried to have Sweeping Strikes nerfed, and now it ends up doing much less damage but no one screams about Blade Flurry...probably because 90% of the WoW population is rogue. Blade Flurry is just as effective as Sweeping Strikes+Whirlwind used to be. If that was overpowered, so is Blade Flurry. A Warrior in PVP shouldn't have 6000 armor. If you wear a shield or tanking gear to PVP (unless you're flag running), you're gimping yourself. Quite frankly, I don't see how this makes sense. 60 is where the game counts, and now I've played some PVP and instances on the character and can tell you, it's much, much too easy. Cheap shot, kidney shot, vanish, cheap shot, kidney shot, blind, cheap shot, kidney shot, death. And that's for plate wearers.
  10. It's amazing how much rogue is better for farming than warrior is. Sure, a warrior can kill much faster, but a rogue can do it overtime and barely take any damage. Right now, I'm using my friend's level 59 Combat rogue (with mostly greens) at the blood elf area in EPL and barely take any damage when fighting 3 mobs at once...sap one, pop Evasion, Blade Flurry and Adrenaline Rush, kill the 2 then finish off the sapped one. Rogues just have too many damn skills in this game. Why should they get a Sweeping Strikes that isn't limited by a number of attacks and Vanish/Blind when things go sour?
  11. http://wow.allakhazam.com/profile.html?671335 You can see my uber tanking gear in one of the bags
  12. God I wish they'd hurry up with the patch...the whole reason I signed up again was to see the new PVP gear
  13. I find it easier to snake in Mario Kart now. Less distance between the left and right button.
  14. Same here. I can hardly put down my DS anymore. Best purchase I've made in a looooooong time.
  15. They're quieter than the original DS, which is a pretty big downer if you ask me.
  16. Oh, I see. Sorry The plans for Titanic Leggings just dropped for me from a blood elf in EPL. Hopefully I can still sell them for a bit after the WSG leggings come out, they're basically the same thing
  17. According to http://www.wowwiki.com/Azshara_Crater : So...that means it's not coming?
  18. Got Exalted with Warsong Outriders and now I'm bored with the game again...they really need more PVP content. Naxx will be the 4th raid area (I think AB and ZG were the same patch though) added since the newest battleground. It has to be much, much more simple to implement a battleground than a raid area so why don't they?
  19. It's really weird how Nintendo can turn a throw-away character such as a map vendor into a fleshed out RPG. Looks decent though.
  20. Essence(s) of Water/Earth are easy money. Is anyone here Exalted with WSG yet? I've heard you can buy any of the epic bracers available and wanted to know if that's true...I'd love to get the Forest Stalkers, that's like a whole 'nother crit chance percent.
  21. Oops, my mistake. I was thinking of where the NPC was
  22. Un'goro at Marshall's Refuge I think. Check Thottbot.com or Allakhazam.com
  23. Is GW really a MMORPG though? It's a better choice for casual play and PVP though, a shitload of fun if you can get a good team formed.
  24. Gear that can be obtained in raids will work fine in PVP depending on your class, so grinding isn't really required. However, PVP earned gear is generally better in PVP. I've been playing again for a little over a week and I'm already sick of WSG. I seem to be the only person who attacks the people healing the flag carriers... By the way, has anyone done the Zelda quest line? The rewards are so-so (boomerang with a chance to disarm/stun and a meh green sword), but there are a lot of cool Zelda references in it.
  25. *shrug* It's been awhile since I've leveled a character to 60
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