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Posts posted by KakTheInfected

  1. Well, Natherizm's lag is putting an end to my second run for HWL. For the past two days, I've had to follow people spamming my hamstring key and getting "It's too far away" shoved in my face even though I'm on top of the target. It's so frustruating.

    Only...4 months or so until the Wii is out...

  2. I think someone admitted to having a Night Elf Rogue (yuck).

    Don't get bored like I did Zircon. I got to rank 12, fell down to 11 after a week of not playing, got 12 again then shut off my account. Now that I'm playing again, it really tortures me to think that I was that close to a Pig Sticker (I like polearms, so there) and now I'll need at least another month of grinding to get it.

  3. Something that's been bugging me since the patch...

    I noticed that sometimes when Pummel hits, the effect of shutting down a target's school of magic doesn't always work. For example, Pummel a priest's heal, but immediately after they can cast it without having to wait 4 seconds. Anyone know if this is occuring with Counter Spell or Shield Bash as well?

  4. Ugh, what the FUCK is that annoying sound when you engage in PVP combat now. It's so annoying. GET RID OF IT BLIZZARD!

    On the upside...a ton more damage and stamina from my rank 12 gear...time to get 14. Thank you Blizzard.


  5. For the new Argent Dawn rewards: You need 45 of two types of insignias and each insignia requires you find/buy 30 of a certain item. So to get the epics with Revered, you need 2700 of these items?

    Sounds like a lot of work...certainly worth getting Exalted to lower that a bit.

  6. I find that hunters are extremely useful in some instances. Their pets can tank mobs for a pretty good amount of time, traps can freeze mobs that other CC don't even work against and the damage isn't that shabby either.

  7. Many rogues I've come across drop out of the raid after Rend. I can understand not wanting to do the whole thing when you only want one boss that's pretty close to the beginning but at least tell people in advance...

    New topic...post some pictures of your character! Unless it's been done...(not reading 200 pages worth o' shit).

  8. Took another shot at BRD, this time with friends, and got Hand of Justice.

    Oh my GOD. It's like getting a whole new weapon when the thing procs. Not only do you deal massive damage, but you get a shitload of extra rage too. Finally a replacement for Blackhand's Breadth in the bottom trinket slot.

  9. Paladin grabs our flag and runs to his teams GY. I attack him solo. He gets a crit and gets me to 70 percent HP, then does the /laugh emote.

    3 crits and an execute later, he's laying dead while I'm returning the flag and spamming /laugh right back...just as the dead Alliance respawn and tear me a new asshole.

    Man I love WSG.

  10. Any guild that won't help you get attuned to instances and demands that you be pre-attuned is not a good guild imo. On Nathreizm, there are a few that are like that, but many, even the top raiding guilds, are willing to help you get attuned provided you actually intend to help with raids.

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