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Posts posted by KakTheInfected

  1. I've never been out DPS'd by Fury warriors though :?

    Arms warrior + Sword spec + end-game sword = rape.

    Of course, if sword spec doesn't activate or the warrior doesn't crit it's a different story...I've always been lucky though.

  2. A hunter being bad at up-close DPS is a given :wink:

    When I used to raid, I was always on top of the DPS charts up against BWL geared rogues and mages. Well geared Arms warriors can usually top the DPS charts, especially if there are more than one targets.

  3. It's too bad more rogues don't think like you. 99% of rogue players believe they're supposed to be the ultimate DPS class or something despite the fact they have nice little extra skills like lockpicking, blind, distract and of course, stealth.

    They're built to kill an enemy when they're most vulnerable and get away before they themselves are killed. Not to do sustained amounts of damage over a long period of time.

  4. So a 57 rogue kills me today after I'm done fighting a mob and have 10 percent HP. He comes back and tries again after I res and have half HP and gets owned.

    I go back to farming and he brings a 60 BWL geared rogue and /laughs at me when I get attacked by both of them. Then I proceed to slaughter them both. Twice.

    He logs on a Horde alt and bitches me out crying about my "lucky crits" despite the fact I have a ton of +crit gear...ah, rogues :roll:

  5. By HK, I mean the act of actually damaging the enemy instead of healing someone who's fighting. In the end you get more honor for damaging than you do for assisting in any other way.

    However, the point still stands that a class capable of healing should be doing so when next to a class that's built to do damage, instead of doing half-assed damage and no healing.

  6. otherwise no I'm not going to heal and it doesn't make me a moron

    I'm sorry, but yeah it does. If you see a player who does a ton of damage in the middle of a fight and choose not to heal them, you're just being a selfish ass.

    I play a Warrior and therefore have hardly any way to protect/save other players (aside form Disarm and our half-assed CCs) but I get healed so often in BG from random people because they know (mostly due to my gear) that I'm going to slaughter the enemy. And the people who heal me are usually a class that actually does damage: Shamans.

    Who cares if you don't get any HKs? You're still helping your side win, which in the end is more beneficial to your ranking and reputation then getting an extra HK or two.

  7. That Warrior sucked then. I know plenty of Alliance Warriors on Nathreizm that have a HoS and full or near full Wrath, but all they do is raid. Keep in mind that just because someone is in a guild that is good at raiding doesn't mean they're good at PVP. Hell, I got all the way up to rank 12 before I quit, and the only raid-ed equipment I have is a Quick Strike Ring.

    Also...an easy way to tell if a Warrior sucks is if you can Gouge him. That's a killer skill, and good Warriors won't leave themselves vulnerable to it except to quickly use Overpower.

  8. In Arathi bassin, back when I was in a guild, we would sit our two tank warriors and our tankadin at the blackmith early on, and they would never move from there. In a 4 cap game, the hordies tried a 10 man push on the blacksmith, and they were held up until we could send reinforcements. There is something very positive in having a couple of unkillable people.

    Unfortunately, an Arms/Fury Warrior + Paladin combo will last just as long as a group with Protection warriors, and they'll probably slaughter half of the attacking group.

    The Protection tree is long overdue for a redesign. Many of the talents aren't very useful even in PVE situations.

  9. I'll take a temporary break when the expansion comes out. I don't think I can stand the massive Alliance>Horde migration and Blood Elf infestation.

    Blood Elf Mage FTW

    Also, what is the new class going to be anyway? Haven't really heard anymore about it since the rumors of the Spellbreaker class.

    I thought they said there *wasn't* going to be a new class.

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