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Posts posted by L.T.W.

  1. I played brawl a TON, and for the first 60 hours of so i left all items on and left them on high with all stages on because the new stuff was interesting and i enjoyed it

    then everything got annoying so i went back to playing like melee with everything off in only a few places and it got a LOT more fun

    ibanez is right and youre all wrong

    Actually now that both my friend and I have a lot more skill in Melee, we turn the items off and have LOTS of fun, every now and then we turn them on but in very low, obviously leaving HC and MT off.

  2. No problem. Only took me about 3 minutes to read your code and see the problem and another two to post the answer.

    Obviously, you don't care about this kind of thing for this particular assignment, but can I give you a suggestion to make your code more robust in the future?

    You have a number of routines that do the same thing but work with different form elements. For example, you made that calculation error in three nearly-identical routines. A better way to code that would be to have your check box routines be very small: all they should do is get the appropriate data out of the text fields and call some other method that would actually do the calculation, something like function applyDiscount(ByRef originalPrice as Int, ByRef discountRate as Int). (Apologies if I have the syntax wrong here). The ByRef part is important because it allows you to change the original variables that you pass in, so that you can have the same routine operate on three pairs of variables without having to code those variables explicitly.

    If your code had been written this way, you'd only have introduced your pricing error in one place. In a small program like this, it's not a big deal, but in a large program, you might fix the bug in one place but not in another, and be confused as to why it didn't work unless you exhaustively test the program.

    That sounds like its would work better.

    I'll check it out after I turn the assignment, because my professor is special he might not want me to do that IDK.

    But next class he will give us to do something similar but using inherited classes.

    And fallowing the Presentation. Business and Data tiers. Which are new to me, but dont seem to hard to fallow. (I hope)

  3. Im having problems with a program I'm making and since its too late at night to ask my professor I'll ask here.

    Here is the whole thing if you have VB2005+ you can open it and check it out.

    My Problem is (logical most likely) that when I hit the Special checkbox instead of subtracting the percentage from the price, its replacing it. You can see the problem if you run the file.

    Everything else works (as far as I know :P)

    PS: I know there are site dedicated to help people with VB programing, but they take 4ever to answer. And I also like you guys.

    .. :P

  4. http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwii-ds.com%2Farticle%2F80654317.html&langpair=ja%7Cen&hl=en&ie=UTF-8

    warning brawl spoilers

    if its true anyways

    and if its true i say WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO

    All I understood is the Ridley,Jigglypuff and Falco will be in, and how to unlock them right?

    Ridley by doing something with Samus in the Sub-Space E.

    Falco by clearing the 100 man or 15 min man?

    And Jigglypuff by idk what.

    Can someone clarify?

  5. I freaking loved it.

    A really awesome immersive feeling, I was gripped to the screen from the first explosion till the end.

    And I dont know why so many people complain about motion sickness. Not once I felt disoriented.

    Oh and I'm definitely watching it again.

  6. Could I really get tired of Video Games?

    I don't think so. As long as Nintendo is still around making great games, I'll be around to play them.

    Also, I'll always have my WoW account if I get tired of my current games or while I wait for some delayed games to be released.

    And I'm very sure that Brawl will keep me busy for another 8 years just like Melee did.

  7. Sound's logical to me. I was really hoping that Olimar was goning to be in brawl. Thank you Sakurai-San.

    My prediction for tomorrow - Pikmin stage, AT Metroid (confirmed in commerical 1 for Japan), or how to save.

    I knew I saw a Metroid like character in the commercial, but really? How good of a character could a Metroid be? All it can do it suck your life and grow bigger.

    Im saying tomorrow is gonna be Pikmin FS or stage

  8. ....The alloys are somewhat related to Meteos.

    The Red Alloy:Dawndus.

    The Blue Alloy:Cavious.

    The Yellow Alloy(The one that really struck me to this theory.):Geolite.

    The Green Alloy:Megadom.

    The resemblances are far too striking to be merely coincidence.

    I knew that I remembered the yellow allow from somewhere. It was from Meteos of course.

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