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Posts posted by L.T.W.

  1. Here's a couple sites I came across while searching for RPG Maker XP resources.

    http://www.phylomortis.com (advanced rgss scripts for XP, tons of ripped sprites for the older rpg makers 2000,2003..none for XP however)

    http://www.phanxgames.com/resources/index.php?cat=3 (this one seems to have alot for XP)





    Thanks a lot, that was very useful.


  2. Well, I just wanted to know if any of you knows a good site with tons of sprites for RPGMXP?

    I tried googling and I had no luck, so I though about asking here.

    And, of course, if you just want to talk about this magnificent piece of software, I think this would be it.

  3. I haven't read through the thread, nor will I risk reading the after this, but would someone PM me whether it would be a good idea to play Metroid Prime 2 before playing MP3? This game sounds awesome, and once I get my Wii repaired, I might consider picking it up.

    I actually never finshed Metroid Prime 2.....But I thin kI'll go back to it after I finsh Prime 3.

    From my experience, its better if you play MP2 before trying MP3.

    1. Because the controllers are totally different.


    2. Because you'll be missing a chunk of the story line.

    maybe even

    3. Because that game is substantially harder, so MP3 will be a walk in the park compared to MP2. (from my experience)

  4. Did it ever show his ship? I don't remember seeing it.

    Yes, it did. I remember right after Samus' ship left at light speed, another ship, which I think is the Ice dude's ship, came to the screen and then sped to light speed too. Whether if it fallowed Samus or not is up to us to imagine.

  5. It was a great offer even when it cost $49.


    That game was great on its time, and for me is as great as it ever was.

    For some reason I like this game better than C&C3

    I don't know about anyone else, but I think the old C&C has something the other does not, I just cant explain it.

    Oh yeah and the music is just fantastic, something the C&C3 could really improve on.

  6. I finally found it!!!!!!!!

    Its from the 5th Element:

    Priest Vito Cornelius: Because it is evil, absolutely evil.

    President Lindberg: One more reason to shoot first.

    Priest Vito Cornelius: Evil begets evil, Mr. President. Shooting will only make it stronger.

    EDIT: The other line he uses is this one:

    Mondoshawan: Priest, you and those before you ... But war is coming

    And there is 1 more, but I cant get it.

  7. What I want to see Retrostudios do next with Metroid?

    3D remakes of Metroid and Super Metroid. Zebes is the most bizarre and coolest location of the Metroid series. Furthermore, I'd really like to see them implement the speed booster while imitating the exact feel of Super Metroid in a 3D environment.

    I always thought why wouldn't they implement the speed booster in Prime series, and then I thought that it would be very complicated to do so. Thinking that you'd need very long corridors and stuff, it would not have worked so well.

    And personally I don't think they'll remake the Original Metroid in 3D if they made a remake already. And about SM, it would be hard to translate it to 3D, but I think it could work.

  8. I remember i had a similar issue once i while back, but instead of not being able to turn it on, it would not turn off. So i just unplugged it from the wall and it never happened again.

    I remember it happened just after my 1st use of Opera.

  9. Yay, I finally beat the game :D


    Im only missing 1 missile, 1 life tank and 2 ship missiles.


    I think that the animation of Dark Samus echoing herself was pretty neat.


    Very Cool game! I enjoyed it a lot.

    I hope that any other FPS on the Wii, from now on, will have as good control (or better) as MP3

  10. I'm guessing you'll fight him in the Subspace Emissary, the single player adventure mode. It's always seemed to me like a lot of assist trophies would make decent regular enemies or even bosses for that mode.

    Maybe you can unlock assist trophies from the bosses you kill on the adventure mode, which IMO would be really cool.

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