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Posts posted by L.T.W.

  1. Well, as I said before, with a DVD player and a 5.1 sound system, the experience is just amazing, it's true that you must be totally focused to it when listening to it, unfortunately, I have my home theater set it around my bed, and when I listen to it, I sometimes (well almost always) get sleepy, but it's pretty cool to sleep with this music, and trust me I NEVER use to sleep listening to other music, actually if theres music when I try to sleep, I must turn it off, and if I can't, I usually am awake untill the music ends.

    That doesnt happens when TBU is playing. :D

    You have to listen then to Brian Eno's "Apollo: Atmospheres & Soundtracks". Its super peaceful and excellent toll to fall asleep. Specially "An Ending (Ascent)".

    On another note An Ending (Ascent) remix by Leama & Moor is great, but Its not on iTunes :(

  2. I read about 2 weeks ago on IGN PC that the next gen MMO from Blizzard was NOT going to be Warcraft related, so that leaves SC and Diablo, but WoW (from what i hear) is a lot like Diablo (I don't really know because I've never played any Diablo game... no hate plz)

    So hopefully It'll be SCU (StarCraft Universe, I hope that will be the MMO name :P )

  3. Lucy Liu as Chun-Li, Chow Yun Fat as Ryu, Steven Segal as Ken, John Travolta as M. Bison, Chuck Norris as Guile, Vin Diesel as Sagat, Cuba Gooding Jr. as Deejay, Antonio Banderas as T. Hawk, Uma Thurman as Cammy, and Kelsey Grammer as Blanca.

    Best. Movie. Ever.

    You Forgot Masi Oka as E. Honda... although he would have to gain a few pounds...

    lol :P

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