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fabricated falisy

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. sorry if this has already been said... but the dragon lord from dragon warrior 1 was pretty tough attack, healmore, healmore, attack, healmore..repeat and hope for an 'excellent move' or 7 oh yeah..and bison in alpha 3 with the difficulty all the way up and his BS full screen activated as soon as you jump x-ism super
  2. there are plenty of hiphop beats that have many layers and show awareness of the 'rules' of music in general (el-p from def jux is a great example) but there's more to a hiphop beat then layers, effects, time signatures, and the like...its about digging...searching for the perfect break, that lost jem that no one knows about, and making something that will compliment the MC. techno doesn't have an MC to think about...the focus is on the beat/song itself and keeping the kids who forgot their riddlin entertained. but yeah...pop hiphop productions sucks that of a black hole who whores herself to wandering asteroids. damn 3 key progressions
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