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Everything posted by Zrexe

  1. A fellow Singaporean here. Heard some of his remixes before the incident, and when I read the papers, I didn't connect that Reuben to the remixer Reuben. However, when I saw this thread, I was quite shocked that someone as multi-talented as he has lost his life in such an accident. Rest in Peace.
  2. Chocoboes!
  3. anyone heard of super street fighter 2 collection?? its basically a special edition containing super street fighter 2 alpha and super street fighter 2 turbo. anyway, in alpha2, there is a new mode known as the akuma mode. OMG the akuma is freaking impossible!!! he is the ultimate akuma. you cant throw him coz he always tech hits. he counters your every move with an alpha counter, and he teleports behind your fireball. ARGH the last time i played him i could barely take off a tenth of his health... and thats coz of blk dmg.
  4. anyone here played wild arms 3??? the boss from that dungeon is truly GAY!!! im tokking about the abyss. the damn dungeon took me 4 hr of non stop playing to reach the boss after which i took 1 full hr to kill him. to top it off he attacks u again with twice the hp when u try to leave the dungeon. oh yah did i mentionn that u cannot save throughout the entire process??? hehe it was a mind numbing but rewarding 7 straight hrs.
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