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The Cabl3 Guy

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    Full Time Writer and Graphic Designer

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  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Acoustic Guitar

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  1. The Shinobi remixes while playing Mark of the Ninja.
  2. Its been uninstalled I don't know if anyone else bought a copy but what the fuck?
  3. Its broken... Feels like it should have been in beta for another year... Tiny ass maps thought the multiregion control meant I'd be able to use more area and what the hell I can't change the terrain... Besides that no one else is playing. CTDs all over the place and they don't even bother to respond to "Where can I find the error log?" Gonna wait a week before requesting a return... I don't think Will Wright was behind this insanity. But somebody certainly was.
  4. Posted it here mostly because not searchable on a google or the forum search. My own personal reasons. Anyway yeah its a bit of a dip in the wallet. Seeing as how ineffective the online thing is now you might as well get a cracked version even if you should buy it! lol
  5. So surprised this hasn't formed a topic yet? I have very fond memories of building arcos in Sim City 2000. Played the betas and was satisfied. Anyone playing yet? Servers been "busy" for an hour or so.
  6. 4X TBS games will never be mainstream again but this game and its ost hits all the right notes for me. Definitely recommend the game just for the ost alone.
  7. Ehh seems I'm doing it wrong as the saying goes... Seems all the partying happened on Saturday and I'm planning on going to a bar all lone in this one horse town as Super Mario on Wensday. Should I bring my wrenches and utility belt? Note: Luigi is stuck in Brooklyn the fuckin' turkey ha
  8. Ahh Parasite Eve! I never actually beat the game and only played it once many years ago but this was all I remembered from that game for years. Its one of the only things I know on Piano without the synth. And nobody likes hearing it either. lol Read the book, it wasn't that great, kinda of a pop horror novel I'd say.
  9. I'm getting bored with my current playlist lately. I have too much DJ Krush on here, and I never thought I'd say Led Zeppelin too but I think thats because on most of the albums its still the same song! (see what I did there) For my electronica, posthumously nostalgically listening to "Crystal Method" Somebody toss me a lyrical rope here eh?
  10. Lately, Delerium - Monarch EP Knifex mix is the shit!
  11. Boards of Canada? Buddha Chillout Lounge? Some of them are hyper-active but most of both have a chill vibe.
  12. Heh I suppose its a good way to disguise it from copywrong authorities. Maybe its intended to be broken Japanese? Some games will do that I've noted because whenever I try the Russian I've learned from certain games I just get that what the fuck are you saying stare or "Eta?" Still any ideas on which one of those might be the one I'm looking for?
  13. Yeah I've played Soul Calibur maybe once or twice. Not my cup of tea but I've been going nuts trying to find that clip at the character select screen where the dude says, "Welcome Back to The Stage of History." I've had no luck in my searches through google I did find this but heck there is a lot of information there! http://www.tzarsectus.com/sc4-speech/
  14. Diablo Swing Orchestra - Pandora's Pinata I've been listening to them for years since their first album released. Found them by accident actually through the Pirate of Bays...
  15. So far its been an enjoyable experience for me. Up to Nightmare Act 3 with my Monk. When they said, "You will die." they definitely were not kidding! As for gear and all that I haven't bothered at all with the AH. Doing it the old fashion way find it, ID it, Use it or sell it. The AH seems confusing to me and there is a lot going on there. Anything I think my friends might be able to use I hold onto in case they need it. I can't even imagine what Inferno will be like!
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