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Posts posted by KWarp

  1. Wait, do I even have the authority to post here?

    No. ;)

    Anyone's allowed to post, so long as they don't whine, bitch, moan, or otherwise complain about the project. Constructive criticism is welcome from ANYONE.

    Awesome! :D That's exactly what I wanted to hear.<(^_^)> Now for more questions and demands... erm.. comments:

    More likely than not, I'm going to want to incorporate some of the music from this album into my flash animation projects. Are there any restrictions album colaboration remixes have vs typical OCRemixes? In other words, if I credit the musician(s), can I use stuff from the album like any OCRemix?

    Next, I demand each composer has fun with their project and is excited with their results. :P

    Finally, how does one audition for album cover art? :? I can draw something nice by the end of the week if you want.

  2. I'd like to contribute to this project as well. I have no remixing talent at all unfortunately. However, I do have a great artistic talent. If you need any sort of logo(s) for the album I gladly make some for free. :D

    Observe my sig for example, reversable names are fun (it spells KWarp). The album's ones would be of a much higher quality of course. :wink:

    As for a title, here's some stuff off the top of my head:

    Kirby Chorus

    Copy Jam

    Dreamland Adventures: Live

    Dreamland Adventures: The Musical

    Dreamland Destination

    I like that last one. :P

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