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Posts posted by Navi

  1. By the way; loved your Paperboy thing, Mythril Nazgul!

    Thanks! Hopefully it'll be up here soon. I'd actually look forward to any tips/comments you might have regarding vocal production, seeing as how you do it so well (As this and previous songs show).

    ps: I have an older C64 hip hop mix that I'm contemplating subbing to RKO. It might be there soon, if I decide it's good enough.

  2. One of the most awesome songs on RKO finds its way to OCR in a diplomatic display of cross culture charity (lit'rally).

    All jokedness aside, this mix is hot. Makke makes mixes that are hot. His production is hot. Makke himself is hot...


    Enough rambling. If you don't have this already...well, you should.

    Furthermore, what the hell was up with djp's writeup. Someone better get that bottle of Merlot away from him. :P

  3. Hmm. Anyways, save any further discussion regarding what was being argued about for PM or AIM. This isn't really the thread to start a flame war between forum members and judges. Get enough of that as it is in GD and Unmod.

    I've had some time to look over the posts in question and I agree with Gray's decision to seperate them from the thread - keep this for reviews, critique and comments on the project. We can talk about the judges panel decisions but TRY not to turn it into a Judges = bad discussion, guys. I've always held the panel in the highest regard even when it seems like they're being OMGBADGUYZ - which in most cases is just constructive criticism reinterpreted as attack. It's not that the panel gets mixes up on the site because they are judges, but rather that they are judges cause they get mixes up on the site. Keep that in mind.

    Back to the regular schedule.

  4. 07 - Beatdrop's Reprocessed: the piercing tones are a delight, very industrial. Like sex.

    Sooo, the piercing tones are like sex, or are you equating sex to being very industrial? Quite the interesting philisophical notion there buddy, I think you can write a term paper and become a doctor with that.

    The whole notion of sex is very industrial - not only through the conventional "sex creates babies, therefore sex is an industry with a product" outlook, but through the imagery and the motions as well. A repeated thrusting, like pistons or machinery.


  5. Because I'm a huge fan of Po!s laid back hip hop work, I figure I should probably review this.

    The choice of instrumentation in this piece is spot on - Posu knows how to work the vibe without having to pile on the instruments. In the case of Citylights, we've got the stand up Bass, the hip hop drumkit, the EP jamming minimal in the background, and those vibes. Oooh, those vibes. First off, I've never played Axelay - my bad, I'm not much of an old school gamer - so I don't know the context for this piece.

    I do know that the name is perfect, brilliant choice. This track reminds me of a cityscape at night, in so many groovy ways; it's also important to mention that the style of this track reminds me of some of the pieces in Final Fantasy VIII, specifically the Deling City music (I think - Can't remember it off hand, at the moment).

    At first one of the precussion choices that irked me was the panned snare/hat thingie that came in at :12. It stood out, until I began to associate it with the imagery of the cityscape that po! was creating. It sounded like someone banging away at something, or construction work, not uncommon to hear in the city. After that, it clicked and I appreciated its presence moreso. I couldn't bring myself to like the snare choice, though. It hardly deviated from its pattern and it was a bit too meaty in the lower areas, when I would have liked to hear a bit more snap in the higher zones.

    Small nitpicking aside, the two things I love about this mix: DAS BASS. That bass is perfectly funky and well tamed, fits the mix like a glove. But the real stars are the vibes. po! has written the most awesome stuffs for these vibes. There's no way you can't like them. The freeflowing (I assume) soloing around 2:12 sounds brilliant. I love it. The doubling at 2:31 is perfectly timed and not overused. Very jazzish feel to the improv.

    The mix was short, but something like this would overstay its welcome if it dragged on for five minutes. Short and sweet is the key phrase here. Very delicious work here. Nice stuff.

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