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Posts posted by Navi

  1. Yo, so... Prince Azuzu called my house a few minutes ago... :roll:

    He didn't know your mom was gonna answer.. My apologies. Here is us$3.500.000.00 for your troubles. Right after you transfer me a harp and cookies..

    And panties? Or is that not allowed past customs anymore?

  2. Hello there. This is a very impressive collection, well done! Very creative interpretations of the original midi's some of us fell in love with all those years ago. Props to you all. Cheers.

    Bart Klepka

    Bart, glad to hear from you and glad that you like the collection. I find that wherever the DSoP goes, your name inevitably pops up. Nice to hear that you liked it!


  3. One of the most memorable songs from the already spectacular March Dwelling of Duels, Summertime by Hale-Bopp had the fortune of being in the style of one of those "catchy pop tunes" that get a lot of play on the radio. Because of that, there were a lot of fans and a lot of haters. When I first heard it, I loved it. Like the "Ken Song", it got stuck in my head and I found myself humming it wherever I went.

    Very catchy, very well done (for the genre) alternative pop rock. Muted fifths, "light on the thinking" guitar solos, simple punk drumming, some great use of back up harmony. The break at 2:04 was prettty cool.

    Short but memorable. Good job, HB!

  4. My name is Prince Azuzu. I am the manager of the international commercial bank Ghana, first

    light branch. I am a Ghanaian married with two kids. I am writing to solicit your assistance in the transfer of


    IMPOSTER! You look nothing like him!


    This fund is the excess of what my branch in which I am the manager


    as profit during the last year. I have already submitted an approved


    of the year report for the year 2004 to my head office here in Accra


    they will never know of this excess. I have since then, placed this


    of us$3,500.000.00 on a suspense account without a beneficiary.

  5. myth, excellent call - that rudimentary automation works wonders.

    If anyone is interested, I made a tutorial for this a while back. I can hop skip and jump it back up if anyone wants.

    edit: why the hell not?

    The Slide Fuction as an alternative to editing events (doesnt work with vsts)

    the slide tool is an extremely useful function as an alternative to manually editing events for slides, volume and panning. Take this simple note progression for example.


    Let's add a slide note to the first C. The slide at G# indicates that the over the course of the slide note the C will drop to the G#.


    If we extend the slide to a quarter note length (the entire length of the C note) the note will take a quarter time to slide from C to G#


    While if we make the slide note a 16th note, the slide will be very sudden, and the main note will spend the rest of the quarter as a G#. This sounds great when you want to give an effect of a DJ scratch. Just set a sudden slide down to say C1 or something like that, and it creates a cool effect.


    You can also use multiple slide notes to create multiple slides during the course of the note. In this case, the C will drop to G# for one eighth and spend the other eighth sliding up to A#. You can make some interesting sounds by setting multiple slides throughout a note.


    But note changing is not all that you can use this tool for! Try leaving the slide ON the current note and editing the volume properties of the slide down below. See how the slide is at 50% compared to the main notes 75%. During the slide's course, it will drop the volume down to its volume level.


    This is very useful for creating note fadeins. ie: set your main note at 0 and have the slide gradually bring it in.


    Hey look! You can do it for the Pan option too! It works just like the others. Now you can have your instruments move in and out of the L and R with ease!


    You can do some really cool sounding stuff with the Slide tool.


    Just remember: Unless your notes are DIFFERENT COLORED, the slide will effect them all creating a scratchish drop (as mentioned above). Thus if you want one instrument to slide to different things at the same time, use the multi colored notes, like so:


    Thats all for now! Hope you learned something!

  6. And it's wonderful. It's amazing, it's everything I thought and hoped that it would be, and more. Excellent work to the remixers and everyone else that worked on this project. Amazing, simply amazing. Every single one of these tracks will have a permanent spot on my playlist.

    So... does having met me make my track BETTER or WORSE? :P

    (And I ask because I haven't seen anything said about it yet except from one of the guys on DoomWorld who said he pretty much hated everything except it... which is either an insult or a blessing. I'm not really sure.)

    Remember he said he liked it because it was "so over the top". ;)

  7. Then there's that vocal track at 22. I like vocal tracks, and I think this one's pretty good, but it's awkward as hell. For 21 tracks you try to pull me into this feeling that I'm on an alien planet, desparately fighting for my life to survive against these gruesome monsters around me, and suddenly this female voice is clearly singing out to me "Trust in me, that's all you can do." Eh? Instead of having one full blown vocal track with lyrics, having silently spoken lyrics littered throughout the tracks would have worked, sort of building the sense that the main character is hearing voices in his head or something.

    My decision to place larsec's track right afterwards was based on the general idea that, in many cases, after a movie is over, there is a vocal track over the credits - maybe the main theme song or something like that. I felt like Larsec's track, with the dark yet hopeful lyrics, fit well as a "Credit Roll" sort of deal. If you disagree, that's perfectly fine. I know that this project won't please EVERYONE who listens to it and I understand that.

    The way I thought it out and planned the lyrics was to have someone tell a story, a very dark and disturbing story. Then at "Through the flames I see them coming" the listener becomes aware that the story teller is actually a part of the story. The story keeps darkening and prospects for the future look bleak. Then the story teller says she will save you, to come to her and be safe, to rest at ease... But it turns out to be a trick. She is actually part of the forces of Darkness and now, that she has lured the listener in, the listner will surely die...

    Ooh, thanks for correcting me on that.

    PS: We are now news on VGMix and DaSauce. Good stuff.

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