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Posts posted by Navi

  1. I know this isn't the best forum to ask (I usually just check the FutureProducers forums) but I figured I'd toss it out here anyways.

    The past few years I've been recording based on hands on experience and tips from GrayLightning and other people I've talked to. I'd like to get a wider range of opinions and maybe learn some new tricks in the process.

    So for anyone who records vocals or has experience mixing them into a song, what tips would you recommend to get the best sounding vocals? I'm talking anything from compression and reverb to EQ cuts and boosts to mic placement and input levels.


    edit: and just to clarify, i'm not specifically talking about hiphop vocals. I'd just like to hear some general tips and personal experiences.

  2. so i have a pair of M-Audio StudioPhile SP-5B Near-field monitors. and i set them up and everything is dandy.

    however, unless i have the volume on the monitor knobs jacked down close to zero, i get a very noticable low end hum from the monitors. i've been working around it by keeping the monitor volume down and jacking up my mixer, but it's still drastically softer than when I say...listen on phones. Is this just a flaw in the monitors or am i doing some thing wrong?

    also, a side question: is it better to leave a preamp on or turn it off when not in use?

  3. I really don't like loop-based composition and the limitation on the use of time signatures, and I'm not a fan of piano roll either.

    I'm not calling FLStudio God's program here, but there is no need to make loop based composition unless you want to be lazy, and you can make music in the key of Z if you wanted to (I made a song that changes keys every four chords). The only thing holding you back from getting FLStudio is your dislike of piano roll (personally I prefer sheet music over piano roll, but I refuse to learn a new program after almost a year of using FLStudio).

    So yeah.../useless relevant post

    Slight correction. He said time signatures, not key signatures. And yes, when compared to a sequencer with built-in music notation, FL is a bit more tricky in terms of getting your changes in. Possible, but tricky.

  4. a few tips on EQing and Compressing for hiphop tracks, especially if you want that booming bass/kick sound.

    cut a lot of your instruments in the middle. around 400-500. this opens room for the heavy low end.

    boost your kick around 90+. cut your bass at that point a bit.

    compression is important. gray taught me that pop producers use multiple compressors on individual kicks, snares, basses, etc in order to carve out their sound. i'm still experimenting with how this works.

    also, you're talking about side chaining, no? i'm not to familiar with side chaining. i'm sure someone else can help you there

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