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Posts posted by Hawkwing

  1. Just got back from seeing this.

    I thought it was fucking amazing

    My only "wtf" moment was when Megatron turned into a jet as soon as he was unfrozen. All the other transformers had to see the object first.

  2. That's what I remember too. The only problem is arguing over who gets to play lead guitar. No one in my little group wants to play drums. D:

    I dropped by Best Buy today (to pick up RE4 Wii Edition) and impressed some people with my GH2 skillz. Even with a missing strap, a broken whammy bar, and no sound, I didn't do too bad for myself.

    I was dying to play this when i heard that it would have drums, but im really disapointed in the "drum set" in this game...it's literally 4 toms.

    no high hat, no bass drum, no cymbals. you cant effectively play anything with just 4 toms


  3. Really? I'm playing ff6 for the first time on the DS(it's a gba game, I know) and I don't see what everyone else sees in it. I think it was so popular because it was a great game back in 94'. But now, I'm looking for the scattered party members after kefka destroyed the world and it's boring. The game doesn't hold interest like it should. Anyway, I'm at the third level down, the abyssal, and going to get the staff of the magi for Ashe. I already know how to get it. But the sad part is, I haven't gotten any good items from chests except for dragon wisker which is actually weaker than all my current weapons. All I get is 1 gil in them. Last, I think they should have made a different way to get to the next level. The black orbs are fine for one time, but the other(s) should have different methods.

    Even if you don't know what you're doing you can regather the scattered members in under 4 hours. If you know what you're doing you can do it in under 2 hours. It's not that hard.

  4. Final Fantasy XII is a great game!


    Story - 7/10 (FFVII has the best story ever)

    Music - 8/10 (Nobuo Uematsu did a better job... Although the orchestration is awesome in FFXII)

    Graphics - 10/10 (They used the full potential of the PS2)

    Voices - 9/10 (At least they're better than in FFX... They didn't even call Tidus' name -.-')

    Overall - 8/10

    That's my opinion about it...

    I prefer 6s story over 7. Hands down.

  5. ok, i apparently missed some stuff when i went to bed last night =) here's what people have been saying.

    fire emblem - just beat it last night.

    tetrisphere - link to an ost, anyone?

    ff legend -my first two mixes were fflegend 1 mixes =) and both on vgmix, too, if you want to look. very short osts, overall. just 12 tracks.

    ogre battle - i NEED to play this game.

    lufia 2 - that's four seperate people who want this.

    legend of mana - i don't know this game, surprisingly.

    and halo 2, still, because i love that game and that music.

    i realize this is a huge project to do, but i think it'll be worth it for me and for the site when i'm done. i just am so bored with these loser projects on this site that take forever. i think that if i can complete a 40-song project in less time than it takes to haev forty mixers do one song, then i'll laugh for a few days and then try to get back all the sleep i lost =)

    EDIT - i'm so glad no one noticed the grammar error that i made with the title...instead of putting i want, or i'm wanting, i did i'm want to...i'm a retard. =)

    you forgot my recommendation for Harvest Moon SNES...it was also seconded ;)

  6. Just give an answer for both scenarios, and complain that the question is badly worded.

    Yeah thats what i ended up doing.

    This is a DOS command I assume (which would make if fdisk /mbr, since the DOS command format has no /mbr switch, IIRC)? The Master Boot Record holds the information the BIOS needs to figure out what partition to boot from and possibly how to go about booting it (it's been a long time since I researched the MBR). If the MBR is blank, you'd most likely get an "Operating system Not Found" or "Inaccessible boot Device" error because the BIOS doesn't know what to do with the drive. If you're lucky the BIOS might search the partitions in logical order for a partition labeled as "boot", but probably not.

    I guess it really depends on which OS you reformat the MBR from. Using Fdisk or the Windows Recovery Command Console (use command FixMBR) will reformat it to boot windows, and will get rid of GRUB or LILO (Linux boot loader programs). Like I said earlier, if it's blank, probably nothing would boot.

    And if this is just for homework, try reading the book. I don't mean to sound snappy or mean or anything, but it really does help sometimes. ^__^ If all else fails, ask Google and you'd probably get a quicker answer.

    There wasn't a book and i was using google to find everything but this one was hard to find an answer to because the question was so vaguely worded.

    thanks for the help guys this is what i ended up answering it with:

    If we use the format /mbr command and want to save the image and then restore the OS will boot or not boot depending on when the image was made. If the image was made while the master boot record was defective the OS will not load, if the image was made while the master boot record was useable the OS will load to its default OS.

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