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Posts posted by Hawkwing

  1. Sorry for caps...but i really need help.

    Ok i have a question regarding redhat linux 9.0 and dual booting. It's due at 8 AM. I don't know if the question is asking about windows or red hat cause the homework goes back and forth asking about the two. Heres the question:

    If we use the format /mbr command and want to save the image and then restore it, will the OS load? Why or Why Not?

  2. I was at work all day following this and i managed to get some inside info on the events of the day because one of the guys that came in has a buddy at VT.

    7:15 - One girl and one guy shot in their dorm rooms. Gunman disappears. Cops show up to investigate, classes are not canceled at this point.

    9:15 - Shooting academic side, 31 killed plus gunman commits suicide putting toll to 33. Classes are canceled at this point.

    10:15 - S.W.A.T. is FINALLY called in 1 hour after the second incident.

    We came to the conclusion at work that the only reason the cops and school officials kept saying they did not believe to two incidents were connected is because they needed to cover up their inaction with not canceling classes and calling S.W.A.T. after the first shooting.

  3. I don't like Ford.

    That's all that matters.

    actually you just completely misquoted me. you put a period on the end of ford which i didnt do. that is not all that matters.

    I may not like a Make of a car but that doesn't mean i can't like the Model.

  4. Why would you want a mustang in the first place?

    mustangs suck so bad.

    ford blows.

    I won't even capitalize them. Just save your money on a better car. Perhaps the new Camaro or the new Challenger.

    Or just buy an old real muscle car. Not the pathetic pancy ass mustang.

    I don't like Ford but the Mustang is, was, and will always be a great car.

  5. 30458-tactics_psp_02.jpg

    Seeing as how it comes out in Japan one month from now I figured I'd post a topic to get some hype going.

    Box Art

    SS of the ingame animation

    Scan 1

    Scan 2

    Scan 3

    Scan 4

    Scan 5

    Scan 6

    New features include:

    New Jobs -- Dark Knight and Onion Knight

    New Playable Characters -- Balthier (FFXII) and LuSo (Part of the FFTA world)

    Multiplayer -- Coop and Versus modes.

    New items -- New weapons, armor, and items.

    New in-game animation -- Fully animated cut scenes.


    Sate-side Release Date: October 2007

    Opening Video

    Who's excited? I am!

  6. So they're Light-speeding this to DVD, right? I want to watch this at home dammit!

    you can torrent the screener DVD...and have been able to since the movie came out in theaters

  7. Considering how many people come here, you'd think you'd meet more people who have heard of this site.

    I myself have only met one or two other people at my college that have heard of OCRemix, but only one that actually listens to anything here.

    Outside of school, I've only seen one person wearing the clothes...a hoodie.

    So I was wondering have you ever seen anyone wearing any OCRemix apparel while you were randomly out and about?

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