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Posts posted by cawnil

  1. Hey I'm looking for electronica drum wavs. I've already got a bunch of retro electronica kits (rolands obviously, among many others), but am looking for a more contemporary sound. Anything is welcome, really, except maybe harsh industrial sounds.

    In case you're wondering, it would be especially up my alley if I could get sounds that resemble those used by Boards of Canada, DJ Krush, Autechre, Overcoat, and I guess just other interesting minimal/ambient/IDM/trip hop artists out there.

  2. I'm trying to create some kind of 80's/90's hip hop monoglide sine synth thing.

    So I'm using the 3xOsc, and only using one of the oscillators.

    But I can't get the notes to slide in SS or PR. I know where the slide buttons are, but in SS they do nothing, and in PR they just mute the notes.

    I've tried clicking the Porta option in the 3osc window under Misc, and adjusting the Slide knob. This kind of does the job, but unfortunately, the first note of each sliding phrase somehow slides from the last note of the previous phrase, although there is a pause in between. I want to be able to just start a note on the note it's on, then have it slide from there, like it really would when you play a keyboard and press the 2nd note a split second before you release the first.

  3. I didn't really 'figure it out' per se, that's just one of the ways a cello can be played. Legato is very smooth, with a consistent sound, for example. Pizzicato is plucking muted strings. Detache is quickly touching the bow to the strings while it's moving back and forth, which gives a quick, sharp note, but not as quick as pizzicato. Tremolo isn't a bow technique, rather the cellist (or any string musician) wiggles their finger on whatever fret they're playing while they steadily draw the bow back and forth, which gives a trembling quality to the note. So they're all just different ways of manipulating the sound from the same instruments. Now you know. :)

    ... I meant how did you figure out how to do legato in FL?

  4. Hahaha, Ok sorry dude. After hearing your WIP of Bloody Tears, I figured that was your main style. ^_^But yeah, you have mentioned that you do like death metal. I forgot about that.

    So anyone out there willing to collab with me? I'm doing a metal version of Valley Where the Wind is Born. I'll take care of writing everything. I just need someone to do production of my drums and bass. I'm not gonna record real drums and bass and my samples sound fake. Anybody willing to help me with that?

    I don't know if anyone's taken up your offer to do drums/bass for your song, but I have the resources and skills to do so. Still interested?

  5. Either be lazy, or unsatisfied with what you buy, it's really your choice. I can fix one thing though, if you want to be able to hear a sample part way in without starting from the beginning, load them into the audio track playlist, not into patterns. If you don't know what it is, open the playlist in FL (what you said you've been using) if you see to sections to it (top, bottom) then instead of dragging the sample into a new channel, drag it somewhere into the bottom half of the playlist. It'll add it as an audio clip channel and then will play from any spot you start on. If you can't see the bottom half, then at the very bottom of the playlits window, grob onto the top part of the bottom set of bars and drag up. There, that's solved, now download more demos unless you're happy with what you have.

    Awesome, this is totally perfect. I don't know how I've overlooked the entire bottom section of the playlist all this time. When I have some considerable free time I might look into some other programs anyway.

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