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Posts posted by cawnil

  1. Instead of 'lazy' I should have used the word 'busy.'

    Cool, knowing that there are soundfont players as plugins, I can assume there are also wav sample playing plugins. That's sweet. Maybe I'll just get ProTools and get soundfont/sample plugins, as well as effects plugins. That'll be all I need.


    pre-built rhythm stuff and fill-ins, intros and breaks


  2. i'm just too lazy to try out demo after demo of programs i'm pretty sure won't be what i need.

    as for slicing up my wav samples... i'd try that, but my style is to play as lively as possible, so practically none of the first notes of any bar start near enough to the beginning of the bar to do that. and i'm too lazy to try to trigger it a calculated few split seconds before or after the actual bar begins, aside from when i trigger the 3-minute guitar wav recording for the 3-minute song (approx). i'd rather spend my time jamming it out and tweaking the tone and stuff, rather than painstakingly trying to synch up a guitar that is intentionally unquantized.

    from what i've seen of people using protools, it seems good for recording live tracks all in one go (i'm idiosyncratic in that i won't use any take i have to cut up in any way. it's all or nothing). i just need something that can also use soundfonts and trigger wav samples the way fruityloops does. it'd be really nice to be able to use vst's too.

    did some research and found out that reason, renoise, acid, and garageband are not for me.

    perhaps i should mention that soon i will be buying a new computer, depending on whether the software i need is a mac or pc program.

  3. I'd like to buy a program, but am too lazy to download and thoroughly try out a dozen different demos. Also too cheap to buy something as expensive as ProTools.

    I've been using FruityLoops to make rock music. Not synth guitars or even soundfonts. I create a whole drum track with soundfont, then export to mp3 and record live bass, guitars, and vocals along to that, then trigger them as samples. I am fairly pleased with it as is, since FL has built-in plugins for effects and stuff, plus I can create keyboard lines with soundfonts too.

    But the really big pain in the ass is that when I'm working on a song and editing it and stuff, if I want to hear how it sounds 1 minute in or something, I have to play the song from the beginning to hear the guitars and everything, as they are triggered as samples.

    So I need a program that basically will allow me to use soundfonts (and probably trigger samples), be able to use plugins for effects (like delay, reverb, chorus, compression, EQ, the works), and be able to hear the guitar recordings when I listen part way through the song instead of having to play from the beginning to hear how they sound anywhere in the song.

    ProTools would probably be great, with Reason as a plugin, that way I can control soundfonts/samples and hear the wav recordings of guitar, etc, wherever I want, plus layer on effects. But in my current situation, this is not financially feasible.

    Any ideas? My budget is not very big, plus I don't need anything elaborate with various synths (making FL kind of a waste for me as I don't really make electronica, and when I do it's just with square/saw/triangle/pulse oscillators) or anything.


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