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Posts posted by Subz1987

  1. I'm calling it right now.

    There is no Amon. Not a single one, at least.

    Amon mentioned his family being killed by a Fire Bender in The Revelation. Sato, the rich guy that makes cars in the Avatar world, also says his wife was killed by a Fire Bender. Other minor characters have stated personal experiences with Benders as well. At some point in the past, this common experience led them to meet and plot out revenge against all benders, even the ones that had nothing to do with any of their personal tragedies.

    Recruiting and training other non Benders to act as an army, building machines to fight back with, scaring the population... it's all part of a plan for revenge. But they were vurnerable as a group. They needed something to act as both an inspiration and protection for each member. Thus, we come to Amon.

    Amon's story is just generic and common enough to both inspire his followers, while also shield each member from suspicion from the authorities. His story applies to hundreds of members, and yet applies to no one in particular. It's a great cover.

    He wears a mask not to cover his fictional scars, but to conceal the multiple identities of the Equalist leaders. Different members with different strengths (like public speaking, fighting or the one guy that knows how to block Bending) take turn wearing the Amon disguise depending upon the event. That way, he is always in top form, always present and never afraid of capture, because you can't arrest an idea or a symbol.

    Even if the cops did arrest an Amon, they would see it was not a scarred man, but a regular person, and assume it was a double the entire time. Then another Amon appears makes an appearance on radio or at an event, and the city see that the "real" Amon is still out there. This eliminates any victory the police have in arresting an Amon, while still stirring up fear in the population that he is still very much active.

    "But Damned,", you ask, "if they are all pretending to be Amon, then how do they all sound alike?"

    That's a good question. The answer is simple.

    Voice Bending.

    So Amon is Anonymous.

    God help us all...

  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hxu3Cd1smuY&feature=g-all-u

    If you don't jizz in this promo, you do not deserve to call yourself a Pokemon fan.

    fuck. yeah.

    Why the hell can't the anime be this awesome?

    Nintendo needs to make a second anime series, and make it like that trailer. I'm not saying that they should cancel the current series; they should just do a concurrent one. There are millions of fans around the world that like Ash and Pikachu just fine. I got no problem with that. I just wish they did something else as well.

    Remember the old Chronicles episode they did years and years ago, back in the Johto series? It was roughly the same as the anime, but featured characters based upon the game player characters. How about trying that out again?

    Yeah, make it like 26 episodes or something, and not a continuous run. The next generation of games comes out, make a new short series.

    If it's based off of Pokemon Adventures, then I'm totally down with that

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