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El Ornitorrinco

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Everything posted by El Ornitorrinco

  1. KWarp, you get a gold star. Seriously.
  2. Ah, it seems I didn't say what I thought I did so clear. I do not intend the children to actually play these songs, I just want them to hear them and say, "Ah, I wish I could play that." However if there was sheet music to be had for them, then that would be twice as cool, I admit. Thanks for the suggestions. Added. =D I will test as many on my brother as I can later today when he gets home from kindergarten. All children have ADD, so we'll see how many we can get through. Their mom is like, mega Nazi. I highly respect her and she runs her family well, but I definitely disagree with her at some points. Like no video games.
  3. I was picking up my little brother the other day from his friend's house (Austin is five), when the friend's mom said, "Hurry up and eat, you're going to be late for piano!" This was met with groans. "We don't want to go to piano class," the three boys said. So I told them my story. When I was about their age, my mom made me learn piano. I hated it, I fought against it; at the end of four years of this I had the skills of a first year pianist. My mom saw that all was futile, so she let me pick a different instrument, and thus I took up saxophone. Now, however, I no longer am being forced to learn piano, so I thought of picking it up again, but that meant facing my mom. My pride wouldn't allow me to do that. Then I got into video game remixes, heard some rather classical-sounding pieces that I greatly enjoyed and got into classical music. I heard amazing pieces for the piano that I wished I could play, and so I got back into piano. My friends picked up piano at the same time as me, but now they really have skills, where as I'm having trouble getting my left and right hands to coordinate. I don't want these kids to be first level pianists on their fourth year, so I ask this of you, help me find piano solos that appeal to children (Three kids, ranging from 5-9) so that they will understand how beautiful an instrument the piano is and want to be little Bladiators. So far all I have is some Bladiator and that amazing piano piece from Windwaker, which I will probably remove because I tested it on my little brother and he walked out of the room. All suggested pieces will be tested on my little brother before put on the CD to assure kid-friendliness. So please suggest any piano solo, so long as I don't have to buy it. =D All the best, El Ornitorrinco And the list: To be tested: Mazedude - Day of the Tentacle Pianist Jiggin Jon T - The Flood Plain Uboichi - The Wolf of the Opera Xenocross - Cursed Piano Reuben Kee - Ryu for Four Pianos Spekkosaurus - The Trial in Concert kLuTz - 600 A.D. in Piano Tested and Good: Bladiator - Chopinesque Kirby Bladiator - Grand Valse Mario Bladiator - O, Say Can Yoshi Tested and Bad: That amazing piece from Wind Waker Pieces that I might put on CD for the kid's mom: Kevin Lau - Aeris Lives The Wingless - The Scarlet Halls Xenocross - Cursed Piano Reuben Kee - Ryu for Four Pianos Zoola - A Link to the Piano
  4. I really enjoy Dr. Fruitcake's work, and this song especially. I think this is one of his best works yet. If anyone enjoyed this song they should really go to his site. Although you'd probably want to go to the MP3 section. ('Tis where the best songs are.) If ya don't want to go to his profile and then click the link here it is: fcmidi.com And to the MP3 Section: http://www.fcmidi.com/mp3s.php His work really is awsome.
  5. Either the last boss in Red Dog (it's a DC game) or the last boss in Starcraft.... yeah that'd have to be it.
  6. this is the awsomeness of Tribes 2 :
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