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Posts posted by Joyzilla

  1. There.. Joyzilla's Voice Message: Take Two recorded.

    I know it sounds less spontaneous than the miserable first one so, if you feel forced to use the first one as an example, feel free to do so. This could be a good sample of "Things to avoid with 1 min.30 provided in a voice message." Well, do as you must! :?

  2. I leaved a message on the box and ... well... I screwed real bad. I totally forgot that I'm not used to talk in english at all. I totally froze up, searching for words, making errors and stuff. So, Aurora and/or Rayza, when you will hear this, please don't judge this poor frenchie fellow. I was really surprised by this bad english skillz of mine... I will do another one maybe but I will write it in advance and practice. Sorry for that!

    Heh that's okay! We're just happy you called! If you don't want us to use it, let us know... but otherwise I thought it was cute :D

    Yeah... But then again, I'll write my next try and call in a few minutes.

  3. I leaved a message on the box and ... well... I screwed real bad. I totally forgot that I'm not used to talk in english at all. I totally froze up, searching for words, making errors and stuff. So, Aurora and/or Rayza, when you will hear this, please don't judge this poor frenchie fellow. I was really surprised by this bad english skillz of mine... I will do another one maybe but I will write it in advance and practice. Sorry for that!

  4. Umm... hi.

    I could use a signature image. With my name in it.

    And lots of spaceships, from as many different Tv shows/movies/whatever as possible.

    And some explosions. Explosions are cool.


    Cramming lots of different pictures into a smallish signature generally doesn't look very good. You'd be better off picking a specific picture or scene that you'd want a sig made out of so the focus is on something.

    Hmm... good point. Ok, new idea; somebody can work their magic on this image, preferably including 'micuu' somewhere, and a border of some kind.

    edit: oh yeah, I wouldn't mind if the end result was also a bit smaller.


    *bump the second*

    Here goes...


  5. Hello again sig gods. Seeing as how I am no longer part of Team Justice, I think I need a new sig. I was thinking of something with Green Lantern, specifically Green Lantern:Rebirth which was drawn by Ethan Van Scriver. Definately some awesome GL art to be seen in there. Anyway if whoever decides to pick this one up needs some images let me know and I can try to find something I'd like I guess. Anyway thanks again guys, and thanks to whoever picks this up.

    There's a Green Lantern sig in the sig shoppe by CapnHulk.

    Yeah but it's not with Ethan Van Scriver art, and I forgot to mention this but I would like Hal Jordan. Thanks.

    Just PM me some pictures, I really want to try my hands at this one. But since I dont have Paint Shop Pro anymore, I'll try to convert myself to Photoshop... I'm already feeling the betrayal I'm about to commit! Sorry PSP... sorry.... :(

  6. I would like either this picture: glorfindel_jhs.jpg on the right with the greyish blue colored background extending to the left with my name on it. Or something else Tolkienesque, you could surprise me. (BTW, I love the style of Durinthal's Sig.)

    I did the Durinthal sig and I'll try something for you. Hope you don't mind a little competition CapnHulk? Anyway, we of Team Signature are brothers beyond anything, am I rite?



    BTW, I always loved this Glorfindel VS the Balrog drawing. John Howe is the man!

  7. Wingless, that is some weird great stuff, in a groovy sexual stalker way. :mrgreen:

    I <3 this show. Great improvement on the second one and a slick package overall. I voted for it and at the time I did so, in the Music section, VGDJ was in rank 9 on the Podcast list. You're (or was at least) in the TOP 10! *do the congratulation dance*

    The part I like the most is the remixers clip. It give a great insight on the remix itself and in music recording in general. It fits amazingly well between the reviews and the remix clip. Good job on this one Rayza!

    I'm from Quebec City (yep yep, another frenchie fella') and if, at any moment, I am to travel to Ontario, I'll surely make a stop to say hi. I have many OCRers to visit there.

    Don't feel forced to change anything. If by any means you were to never improve again, this would be a great show anyway. Keep up the good work!

    Oh and BTW, sorry for the probable mistake-filled post. Being a frenchie is not a privilege! Trust me...

  8. If you find the spare time, could I have a sig that has a theme of red and black, with BlitzKrieg somewhere on it? If yes, thank you.

    I'm on it!

    BTW, do you, by any chance, choose this username thinking of the Metallica cover song? Because a nice red & black Kill'em All themed sig could be awesome to do! 8)

    That's one of the reasons. :D

    I really like the result of this one. Here's...


    And to those who know what I'm talking about, I designed this sig to look like Refelos style. Who would have thought huh? :D

  9. Thank you guys so much. I love it. But, how do I get it onto the message boards? This might sound n00bish, but I really don't know. Thanks again guys.

    Taken from this thread:



    • Right underneath Link, you should see a line of text the reads:

    Search - Members - Register - Profile - You have no new messages - Log out [ YourHandle ]

    Found it? Good. Now click on Profile.

    Your profile is broken into THREE sections:

    [ A ] Registration Information

    [ B ] Profile Information

    [ C ] Preferences

    Under [ B ] Profile Information, your last option, JUST BEFORE [C] Preferences, is your "Signature" option. To the right of that, more or less in the center of your screen, is a little white box.

    • From there, simply copy and paste your URL within Image Tags. Therefore, to show wurd.jpg as a SIGNATURE, it should look like this:


    • Scroll down, click "Submit", and you're done!


  10. Okay, I have a request for a sig. I want to use these two pictures:



    I was looking for an animated picture of a pistol, but I couldn’t find one. If anyone can find a good picture of one (not necessarily of Vash the Stampede's gun), please use the one you find instead of the one I provided

    I would like the picture of the eye to be on the left in the foreground, and the gun to be pointing towards the right in the background. I also want the sig overall to have a blue tint to it.

    As for writing, I would like the phrase, “What lies between revenge and redemption?” to be in a blue cursive font (similar to the Vivaldi font in Microsoft WordPad) in the top right hand corner, preferably over the barrel of the gun. In the lower left hand corner, I want it to say, “Jam Stunna presents Sunset”, but I want the word Sunset to be bigger than the other words in the sentence, like this: "Jam Stunna presents Sunset", also in blue font, but not in the cursive font. Something a little more bold, I guess.

    Whew, that was alot. Thanks in advance to anyone who decides to undertake this request.

    I will probably be shot for my uncreativity but meh. Here's...


    Of course, you can wait for a more innovative one. I will not be upset, don't worry! :)

  11. If anybody can take the time. I'd like a signature of Catherine Zeta Jones. I'm trying to make one in photoshop but I can't get a good background to go with it so I'm pretty much giving up for now. I'd like a picture of her like posing full body, sort of lying down, and then somewhere a picture of her face but semi faded and her name.

    Edit: I found out how to do it on my own. Thanks Anyway. :)

    I know I'm a bit late but since I did it anyway...


    In case you'll need it!

  12. Could someone make a sig for me?

    I'd like (unless my brain just completely made it up) a sig w/ the rabbi robot - I think I saw it on a commercial for conan o'brian, back when it was on comedy central (it was a dude wearing spraypainted boxes with tubes for the arms/legs) you'd know it if you saw it.

    If hunting down the pic is too hard, then just one of those toy robots from the 50's or whatever

    ... with my name of course

    no rush, though

    Here goes...


  13. I was hoping I could request a sig image....

    If possible, I was thinking something that looks like RedMage but without the hat-n-feather, and instead of all red, blue (naturally). Blue eyes too (ie, no pupils, but rather just all blue where eyes would be). Hair I don't mind.

    Thanks in advance to any who can assist.

    Here goes...


    It need a quote or something in the lower left corner... If you have an idea, dont hesitate to tell me.

    I know that it is not specifically what you asked for so, I will not be disapointed if you wait for another one.

  14. Could someone please do something about the words "Silent Protagonist"? Those two words describe me perfectly. I got them from Chrono Cross (a game I've only played once...), and with me being a mute (It's true), the only way I'll ever feel complete is if I have some sort of sig that reflects this. :wink:

    Thank you in advance, and if no one can make one, that's fine, no worries.

    Thank you all.

    P.S. If you could use pictures of human silouhettes (sp), that would be awesome. Thank you a third time.

    Better late than never I guess.

    Here goes...


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