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Posts posted by Joyzilla

  1. Whooa! Two Pulp Fiction request in a row. I'm not gonna miss that opportunity...


    is it possible someone could make me a sig using this pic, with "i gotta take a shit" at the bottom

    p.s. i asked for a sig recently under littlechava, i do appreciate that, much thanks, sorry im switching so fast.

    edit: forgot img tags

    I know I just asked for a sig under the name "The Guy", and I too am sorry for the quick change.


    and under it saying, "That's it, that's my bad motherfucker"




  2. I was thinking of Freya in the setting of Burmecia (FFIX). That's a sig I'd treasure...


    Is that fine?


    Thanks Capt'n! Considering the few source image I managed to got of Burmecia, I think I did a good job!

    BTW Capt'n, I wondered why you didnt edit the "A" on your sig to make it look like an "H". I was bored so...


    Use it as you wish and feel free to completely ignore it! :) Anyway, it took me like 2 minutes to do so... meh! This one's for you bud!

  3. Hey CapnHulk, Chizniz, everyone! Are you still in need of some help? You may know by now that I'm a sigmakinaholic :oops: and I also get called a "whore" in the UnMod sigmaker's thread. Overall, that means I can do a lot of work, even some backtracking if it needs to. Also I'm hosting all the sigs I make so, it will make the life of some n00b a little easier!

    But, if you doesnt need help but in fact, have not enough request; I will not stay here. Because I know that I'm almost alone now in the UnMod sig thread and I suppose it's a little bit of my fault. I can't stop myself, it's like a drug dude!

    well, just to make sure I'm welcome here or not. Don't be shy to tell me that I'm not, I'll understand! I guess I would say no to myself... :?

    EDIT: Oh and BTW...

    Hey, i really want a pic for my sig, so i would appreciate one greatly! My idea is that the pic would be devided into two setions. One section would be 3/4 of the pic and the other would be 1/4 (obviously) And the pic would be more wide then tall. In the big section I'd like a pic of metal gear, but have it be sideways so you can see more of it. In the small section I'd like a nuclear radiation symbol(preferably yellow with a black back ground) and for the big section I'd like it to say HAZARDOUS in the forground in front of the metal gear with a font that looks like the letters were bolted on. I'd like that sections to be green/grey in the background and for my name to be metalic silver. Also do my name in normal cap leters with no l33t. Thanks alot and sorry for the long, complicated post.

    I was inspired by this but then I lost the buzz... I have worked a little on this and it would be very sad to have done this in vain. So, I'm posting my try on the HAZARDOUS bolted logo he asked and the radioactive symbol with the requested colors. If it saves some time to some sigmaker, I'll be happy!


  4. Jayson is DA MAN!!

    Seriously, I first hear this song a bunch a years ago and only your version keep this notes in my head against my will... it's... just... so... damn... great bro!!!!!!!

    Keep the piano thing working dude! The concept of turning a beaty songs into a mellow and quiet one (or the inverse) is one concept that'll never dry out of potential.

    If only I was a pretty girl, I would thank you in so many ways man! lol (Forget that last one...)

    Hope my gf don't ever see this post!

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