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Posts posted by K999

  1. Are you sure that do don't have any spyware/viruses? I actually have very similar computer (e6600) and I was also dealing with this issue a few weeks ago. In my particular case it turned out to be a number of malware and viruses. And this happened even with kaspersky virus scanner running in the background. After I got rid of them, there were no further problems with firefox.

    Currently I am having the same problem with IE7. It turns out there are virus problems this time as well.

    Oh, and I also noted that when I try to surf with torrent running in the background, due to uploading my surfing speed slows down. I know this is quite obvious but sometimes people overlook the obvious.

  2. Just one core2duo (6600) since last November that was on 24 hours a day. Although I was in this team since beginning I had only contributed about 4000 points in the span of one year with my original 800Mhz computer.

    So it was really with this new machine that I was able to contribute the most.

  3. That's unfortunate - anyone have any other options? Surely there must be some place, some where, that offers custom PCs, isn't shady as hell, and doesn't charge $900 for $200 RAM.

    You can always try ebay. They have intel core 2 duo at fairly reasonable prices: link

    I got my computer from ebay about two months ago and it works perfectly.

    Also, if there are any small computer fixing shops around your town, you can always go there and ask for their prices for building a custom pc. If those prices are acceptable, then just purchase your items from newegg or some other place and then let them build it.

  4. Only recently have they started embedding spyware/adware in daemon tools. Just remember to uncheck the option of "daemon tools search bar" when installing the program next time. Alocohol 120% is another very good program if you are wary of using daemon tools any more.

  5. So have the unmodders gone through five stages of grief yet?


    Anger: WTF, you motherf.....

    Bargaining: (I haven't really seen this happening too much. Nor can I imagine an unmodder actually doing it.)

    Depression: There is no MEANING to LIFE. First they killed Saddam and now this? Why god why?

    Acceptance: LOL at internet=serious business


    If any of you are having problems sending finished WU's and have recently installed IE7 then you may have to reconfigure the client and tell it to not to use IE settings. You can read the details concerning this issue here.

    Also, use this as a reference guide if you don't know how to change the settings on console client.

    And yes, I had a good thanksgiving. Mainly because I had finally had the opportunity to sit down and finish final fantasy XII. Good times.

  7. Were you not aware that you can simultaneously run two f@h programs on dual core processors.

    Wow, nope. The thought did cross my mind not too long after I posted it, though. I do have a question for you about the console version. Do you have to start it running everytime you restart the computer? Or is it more automatic like the graphic client? I think I messed around with it a little, but couldn't ever tell that it was running; the graphical one gave more feedback, so I went with that one... guess I'll mess around with it some more.

    You can set the console version to run automatically or manually depending on your preference. And if you want to run more than one client on a single computer, you have to use the console version. You can run only one graphical client on a single machine.

    It is kind of confusing installing and running two programs at once, so I can tell you how I did it. The first thing that I did was uninstall my graphical client after it was finished with it's work unit. Then I went to Folding@Home folder in program files and created two new folders and named them Home thread 0 and Home thread 1. So at the address bar, it would look like this:

    C:\Program Files\Folding@Home\HomeThread_0

    C:\Program Files\Folding@Home\HomeThread_1

    Now I downloaded two windows f@h installers, one console version and one graphical version. First, I installed console version in my HomeThread_0 folder. While installing it, I think the console version would ask if you want to configure advanced settings, say yes. It would ask for basic things like do you want to download WU bigger than 5mb, do you want deadliness WU etc.; the important part is when it asks for machine ID. I think the default machine ID for graphical client is 1, so you should give your console version an ID of 2, but I input 5, just to be sure. After the installation is finished, wait for a few minutes. You can check if you have installed console version properly or not by going to windows task manager and seeing if f@h appears in the processes. You can also see if cpu usage has climbed to 50% or not.

    The next step is easy. Just install the graphical client in the HomeThread_1 folder and configure it to your liking. After few minutes you can check if you have both clients installed properly by seeing if you cpu usage has gone to 100% or not.

  8. So it's that time of the year again when some of us are going to have to apply to universities for graduate or undergraduate studies. As a result, it is possible that some of us will have to deal with opening and reading those oh - so polite rejection letters. Have you ever wondered how to respond to those rejection letters. Well, here is one way:

    April 1, 2007

    Graduate Admissions Committee

    Department of Physics

    Big Deal University

    Collegeville, USA

    Dear Committee Members:

    Thanks for your letter of March 30. After careful consideration, I regret to inform you that I am unable to accept your rejection at this time.

    This year I have been particularly fortunate in receiving an unusually large number of rejection letters. With such a varied and promising field of schools, it is impossible for me to accept all refusals.

    Despite your outstanding record and previous experience in rejecting applicants, I find that your rejection does not meet my current career needs. Consequently, I will begin taking classes as a graduate student in your department this August. I look forward to seeing you then.

    Best of luck in rejecting future applicants.

    Sincerely Yours,

    [Name Withheld]

  9. Wich one should I download the graphical client or the GPU client? What's the difference?

    Well, you need appropriate hardware for running the GPU client. Plus, the client is still in beta stages, so I wouldn't recommend using it due to stability issues. So stick with graphical client for now.

    And welcome to the team.

    That's pretty significant for a couple of those projects. Now we just need a multi-threaded version of the f@h app to make use of the new multi-core chips. My main PC never get above 50% when it's only folding... all in good time, I suppose.

    You mean like this:


    Were you not aware that you can simultaneously run two f@h programs on dual core processors.

  10. It's not all about the number of frames, but how long it takes to fold each one. You can get a 20k frams WU that will take 8-9 seconds for each frame, and a 500 frame WU that will take several minutes for each frame on the same CPU. Probably has something to do with the complexity of the protein, but that just speculation on my part.

    Actually, I have been wondering for quite some time regarding why excatly do certain cores require a longer time to be stimulated than others. Take a look at this:

    Take a look at project 1164. Number of atoms: 91,787 with frame number at 100. Compare this to project 1487 where number of atomes: 87,920 with frame number being 100. But for project 1164, you are awarded 574 points and for project 1487, you are awarded 1161 points. And I am assuming that this difference is because project 1487 takes longer to complete. But why? Is it because the atomic structure of project 1487 is more complex, therefore requiring a longer time for stimulation?

    Welcome to all our new members! I also added my parents computer to my army last weekend to make sure you young whippersnappers don't take over my first place

    Don't worry, no one is going to take over your 1st position for a very long time. But still, adding more computers is never a bad thing.

    And by the way, team rank: 681.

    Also, take a look at performance of Intel core 2 duo:


  11. Maybe when you are running 50,000 frame packet. And even then it's maybe.


    I just had a look at what my computers are currently working on. My laptop is working on a 250,000 step WU, my server is working on a 1,000,000 step WU, and my desktop on a 10,000,000 step WU (Project 2106).

    My desktop just started Project 2106. It says it'll be done January 18th 2011...

    I really need to switch from the graphical client, but I'm lazy.

    Now that is elite. By the way, most of the time I get 250WU packets.

  12. i have joined too. can some one check that i did? my name on there is johnderrilll on folding@home. when i have folding up all i see is some moleculee type tings and they hardly move. is there any way to get more movement out of it? i have a graphics card that is 256 mb PCI. not PCIe. any help would be cool. i dont think i know any one from here cept keegan and dama so it would be nice to make some new friends.

    The process of moleule drawing is intentionally delayed by a timer. It is just a non cpu intensive way to show the protein.

  13. yeah, i guess i didn't understand it. If i can convince my mom to use it, i bet i can have it on all day.

    Well, looks like i'm hooked up now. Not sure if i set it up for the team though

    pretty sure i did.

    It should look something like untitledzp1.th.jpg

    Add'd:What's the sccreensaver option for? can you actually make FAH your screensaver?

    Yes, in the control panel just go to display tab and click on the screensaver option, simple as that.

  14. I'd like to get involved, and i read the first post stuff, but i don't get what this is all about

    You should take a look at this.

    What is protein folding and how is folding linked to disease? Proteins are biology's workhorses -- its "nanomachines." Before proteins can carry out these important functions, they assemble themselves, or "fold." The process of protein folding, while critical and fundamental to virtually all of biology, in many ways remains a mystery.

    Moreover, when proteins do not fold correctly (i.e. "misfold"), there can be serious consequences, including many well known diseases, such as Alzheimer's, Mad Cow (BSE), CJD, ALS, Huntington's, Parkinson's disease, and many Cancers and cancer-related syndromes.

    So this program basically uses a little bit of computing power from your pc and folds protiens. All of this data can help biologists understand how the whole protein folding process works and why it doesn't work in certain cases.

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