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Posts posted by LoudMog

  1. Man, I wish Microsoft didn't hold Rare so closely, so we could see a re-release of these games on Steam. So many games I won't play again because I just don't want to buy another console. I do have a PS4 but it's a day-one model and sounds like a train is coming-- even after cleaning it out. I also have an Xbox one but... well, I don't think it's been plugged in and out of the basement in over a year. 

  2. I know I've said this before, but it would be great in addition to the @everyone in the main chatroom to have a separate channel strictly (can everyone but you be muted, @Liontamer?) for new posts. I have my phone in my pocket most of the day and headphones handy, and I would love to just reach back and see everything in one spot. I still read all of the lovely comments everyone makes all day anyway. 

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