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Posts posted by Zergonaleash

  1. You know, you could have used the headphones and snes pad log that's been the site's visual moniker for years...

    Just a thought.

    I love it when people use the word 'moniker.'

    Fucking great word.

    And... yeah I'm not a huge fan of that color scheme, what I do in iTunes is use the artwork of the videogame in the cover art sector, works for me!

  2. I'll admit that I like 1 or 2 songs from Hollywood Undead when I'm in the mood for rage rock; but the rest of those suck really, really, really bad.

    I'll agree with that, but Hollywood Undead really shouldn't be considered in the same category as BrokeNCYDE is you ask me.

    Everywhere I Go and No. 5 are just fun to listen to.

    Freaxxx is not.

  3. I'd heard of how terrible Brokencyde was many months ago, but now I really know what we're dealing with. That was baaaaaaaad.

    Reading the comments section on that vid was kind of entertaining for a minute, but almost just as depressing as the song.

  4. If anyone is a fan of The Mars Volta I would highly recommend you check out this string quartet tribute album.

    Here's a youtube link,

    And if you know of any other cool string quartet tributes, post them. I know there was an album called Strung Out on Thrice, I'm not sure if it was the same quartet but I regret never having checked it out.

  5. I also like Aqua the best, I'm glad the final chapter is hers. I'm also glad I played as Terra first, because it made playing with everyone else so much better. The voice acting for hers was my favorite too, Willa Holland has an awesome voice.

    At the end of all of this, there are still so many unanswered questions, it's getting pretty irritating!

    They need to create a game or at least a short story, or something, about the formation of the organization and the experiments on Xehanort/Terra. There is no explanation as to how any of the members that weren't Ansem's apprentices at one point became Nobodies, but I bet it could be a cool story, and they clearly aren't shying away from making "side-games" for this series, so I wouldn't be shocked if they develop a title somewhere down the line. I was hoping for more about the organization in BBS, but I guess that just wasn't a priority. Maybe KH III will delve into it... who knows?

    Does anyone else simply love the music in the Enchanted Dominion? I've had it stuck in my head for a week now, fucking brilliant.

  6. Melding may seem simple but holy fuck it's vast.

    I finally looked up a list of all the commands and bonuses that can be applied to each, and it frightens the fuck out of me. They really aren't necessary though, I beat Terra's story with extremely minimal melding (because it scared me) and with Aqua I tried to do as much melding as I could without spending too much time running around leveling up, but I did a pretty good job I think. I can't decide if I want to just finish Ven's story, then go back and try and meld things and get all the treasure/stickers/other stuff I need to see the secret ending or if I should meld the fuck out of things first.

    I really wanna see the secret ending, but I'm not prepared to do a bunch of stupid mini-games to get it, so if that's how it is, thank god for youtube.

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