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Posts posted by Zergonaleash

  1. Saw it the first time in a regular theater.

    Went to see it in an IMAX last night. That is definitely the way to see it.

    And I'm in the 'it falls' camp.

    edit: that youtube soundtrack comparison is pretty interesting. the soundtrack really stuck out to me in the IMAX, I remember thinking it was good the first time I saw the film, but I just realized how spectacular it is. I need it.

  2. Yeah, because when Super Mario Bros was packed with the NES, that was different, right?

    Huh, didn't know that... but I would put it in the same category had I known.

    It's not that I don't think either one of those games would've sold had they not been bundled, though.

    I don't see Sega in there.

    I was thinking the same thing, I typed in "Sonic" and then realized there was nothing down there. =/

  3. i know i keep saying this, but a computer to run SC2, DIII, and all these other awesome PC games coming out is much cheaper than what people think. based on the system specs for SC2, i could probably do something for around 600$ - or even less - that still plays them on pretty decent settings for a big monitor.

    I feel like I could run it well enough based on my system, I'd just have to turn down all the graphics ALL the way, and that doesn't sound fun to me, but I should probably double check the specs to see.

  4. I love Sporcle!!

    I got 33/50 on that one.

    They've got some great sports quizzes, and some really tough video game quizzes. I was kinda pissed off that Wii Sports is the top selling game of all time. For some reason, it seems like it shouldn't count since it's included with the console, but oh well.

    (I can't believe i missed the mario karts, i forgot to put 'super' in front...At least I got the top 12 all right)

  5. I wish I could get this tomorrow, unfortunately I'm pretty sure my laptop won't be able to handle it, graphically. It's got the barest of bare graphics card. Hopefully I'll be able to get it soon enough so I can get my ass kicked all over the internet.... again. I'm really excited for the campaign though, I loved the first one.

  6. I was kinda pissed off at first when I didn't hear anything, then I realized that youtube was muted =/

    that was pretty sweet, I can't even begin to think of what would make someone decide to speed of that background noise just to see what would happen, but good on 'em.

    edit: Fuck that scrolling text on the second video, too.

  7. I got real bored yesterday and decided to reinstall warcraft iii on my computer. does anyone 'round here play? i haven't created a battle.net account yet, but if anyone wants to (probably) kick my ass, i'm interested.

  8. I guess that what bothers me is that to some people, it will become a legitimate selling point. I feel like there will be people who will pass up what has the potential to be an incredible gaming device because they can get an iPod Touch and take higher resolution photographs. And well, that's not cool at all.

  9. It upsets me that there is an argument over a camera on a gaming device. I don't know a single person who actually uses the camera on the DSi and I don't expect that to change when the 3DS arrives either. I own a SLR and scoff at everyones point and shoots these days. Then I get sad when people with superior SLRs scoff at me :(

  10. Yeah I'm with zircon on that, the only two Kirby games I've ever really gone back to time and time again are Super Star because of how massive and downright fun it is and Dream Course, because the multiplayer is brilliant. Last time I bought Wii points I purchased Dream Land 3 instead of Dream Course and I'm kind of upset about it, not that DL3 is a bad game, I just love me some Kirby golf.

  11. I think AM is one of the very best Kirby games, and probably the best recent one. It's basically a Metroid nonlinear map stuck inside a Kirby game. LOADS of fun.

    I like the sound of that. Sounds Great Cave Offensive-esque.

  12. If it required you to wear 3d goggles every time you wanted to actually experience the 3d, would anyone still buy it?

    i wouldn't... or, better yet, i still wouldn't care much about the 3d, but i'd still get one.

  13. Didn't you play Kirby and the Amazing Mirror or Kirby Squeak Squad?

    No, the last GBA/DS Kirby game i played was nightmare in dreamland, and it was fun, I forgot about that until you brought that up. Do Mirror or Squeak Squad have as many attacks per power as Super Star? That was one of my favorite things, it wasn't that you just simply threw with the cutter, but you could pull of all the other moves, too.

    I should go back and play those two games you mentioned, though :)

  14. I've got mixed feelings about this, but then again, I've kinda been clamoring for another Kirby Super Star-esque game for years, and it appears that style of Kirby game is done with. That was easily one of my favorite platformers of all time.

    I'll play it, probably buy it, but I'll want to try it first.

  15. Chrono Cross as a whole was one of the most depressing stories I've ever been through, and even at the end, I still felt like something was wrong. That People Seized With Life song is a reaaaaaal emotional one.

    KHII had it's fair share of sad moments, but 358/2 Days has to be one of the saddest games I've ever played, because if you've played every other game so far, you know exactly how all this is going to end, but they make you get emotionally invested with these people, and the whole thing is pretty depressing.

    I think I might've actually shed a tear at the end of FFX, and the part when Tidus finds out Yuna's gonna die at the end of the journey was pretty sad too, especially because he was joking around about how they'd have all sorts of fun after they beat Sin.

    Mother 3, that's been covered.

    Uh... I'm sure there's others.

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