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Posts posted by jmr

  1. imma just copypasta my shizz new years post:

    2011 was... weird... for me. This year had some of what I consider to be the happiest moments of my life (my first MAGFest, Bit Gen, my summer in general), but some of the most depressing as well (I was diagnosed with a long-term illness, as well as my father being sick). Thankfully the year's ending on a positive note, and 2012's shaping up nicely with MAGFest just around the corner and another work placement in Ottawa starting just days after.

    Happy New Year, OCR. wub.gif

  2. nypwpxalbumcoversmall.jpg



    Forget what you know about TSS's previous studio output: this album is on a whole new leval. Gone are the chiptune backing tracks in favor of the more natural, full band sound that you'd hear at a Temp Sound Solutions live performance. And look at the tracklist: you've got your well known classics like Mega Man, TMNT, etc, but you've also got tracks from the likes of obscurities such as Bio Force Ape and Yamamura Misa Suspense: Kyouto Zaiteku Satsujin Jiken (seriously? have you even heard of that before?) that no one other than Temp Sound Solutions would dare to touch.

    This is easily my personal favorite of what I've heard from the TSS catalog. Highly recommended.

    Track list (with free MP3 previews!)

    01 - ecco jr

    02 - airman

    03 - iron sword

    04 - commando man

    05 - garfield

    06 - bio force ape

    07 - gauntlet

    08 - shadow land

    09 - tmnt

    10 - werewolf the last warriors

    11 - yamamura misa suspense - kyouto zaiteku satsujin jiken

    12 - golf fax

  3. r3621.png



    This saturday at noon eastern, Kyle and I are joining forces once again to celebrate the end of 2011 with one hell of an epic show. We've got a playlist STACKED with our favorite tracks from 2011 (think plenty of video game music and chip music), PLUS we've got an exclusive teaser from the long awaited Diad album, coming in 2012 to Ubiktune.

    Don't know who Diad is? Let this jog your memory:

    Their album is going to be the benchmark that future NES albums are compared to, mark my words. You don't want to miss this.

  4. Do you know how long these are available? Also, I have a buddy who qualified, but never enrolled in the Ambassador program. Is it too late for him or can he still get in on this (and maybe the NES titles, too)?

    I'd do the research myself, but this connection is the sucks.

    I read on on some forum somewhere that some person 'got in' after the August 11 cutoff date by sending in his purchase receipt (or some other dated proof of purchase). I don't know how much stock you want to put in to what some random said on the internet, but it might be worth a shot.

  5. I got 7.

    1 Great Balls of Fire

    2 Like a Rolling Stone (Bob Dylan)

    3 You Only Live Twice (John Barry / James Bond)

    4 Breathe (Pink Floyd)

    5 Y Y Z (Rush)

    6 Our House

    7 Enjoy The Silence (Depeche Mode)

    There were a few that I recognized but couldn't identify. Really surprised at myself for not picking up on See Me Feel Me and Under the Bridge.

    Great job with the medley. Love your guitar work...

  6. Mega Man X seemed like the obvious choice for a logo spoof to me too. They went with a Mega Man inspired logo last year though, maybe they're just trying to avoid repetition.

    Also, is that an official logo? Haven't seen that on any 'official' magfest pages yet.

  7. Dropping by with my thumbs-up for Mokram's mockups.

    Have you guys ever considered collaborating with Fangamer for merch? I've got a few of their products and I'm pretty impressed with the quality. Given their fan-community-driven approach to game merchandise seems like this would be a good match.

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