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Posts posted by Lyrai

  1. Strange Weapons 'rank up' as you get kills with them. Someone datamined all the titles, but we still have no idea how many kills you need to get them.

    "KillEaterRank0" "Strange"

    "KillEaterRank1" "Unremarkable"

    "KillEaterRank2" "Scarcely Lethal"

    "KillEaterRank3" "Mildly Menacing"

    "KillEaterRank4" "Somewhat Threatening"

    "KillEaterRank5" "Uncharitable"

    "KillEaterRank6" "Notably Dangerous"

    "KillEaterRank7" "Sufficiently Lethal"

    "KillEaterRank8" "Truly Feared"

    "KillEaterRank9" "Spectacularly Lethal"

    "KillEaterRank10" "Gore-Spattered"

    "KillEaterRank11" "Wicked Nasty"

    "KillEaterRank12" "Positively Inhumane"

    "KillEaterRank13" "Totally Ordinary"

    "KillEaterRank14" "Face-Melting"

    "KillEaterRank15" "Rage-Inducing"

    "KillEaterRank16" "Server-Clearing"

    "KillEaterRank17" "Epic"

    "KillEaterRank18" "Legendary"

    "KillEaterRank19" "Australian"

    "KillEaterRank20" "Hale's Own"

  2. The Engineer thing is much simpler: we haven't gotten any submissions that have passed our tech review and that have been at the bar we want to ship. Engineer is the class with the least community submissions. We haven't had a chance to make original art for the Engy recently.

    Encourage your friends to make high quality, good perf Engineer items and submit them.

    The lack of Engineer items isn't about game design. It's about resources.

    The Demoknight's received a lot of attention because people keep making really good Demoknight items. We have our eyes on several quality Demo items that aren't melee oriented for future updates.

    So there you go.

  3. They've mentioned more than once that Engineer is the hardest to add new items for. In a sense, he has everything he needs, and everything he brings to the table is essential in one form or another.

    See: The repair node thing. It made engy nests extremely hard to break. Also removing teleporters crippled teams and made the balance go haywire.

    Most I can see them doing for the guy now is minor alterations, not huge shifts. Like, say, a Sentry that can track faster, locks on and fires faster, and continues to fire when it's being upgraded or redeployed in return for no rockets/more metal.

  4. P.S. The Engineer had better get a set this time around. Of the 9 classes, 8 of them as of this moment have sets in game, and the 5 new sets that have been announced for this next update are all for classes other than the one that has yet to have a set.

    Also, I checked the Day 2 page for hidden links when they first posted it... the Scout page wasn't there then.

    Yeah it was sprung on everyone several hours after everyone combed it.

  5. Not sure if it's mentioned elsewhere in this thread, but Valve has cleared the air with the Bazaar Bargain:

    You start at -20%, and it has a cap of +30%. So you need two consecutive headshots to have a charge rate equal to the vanilla rifle.

  6. brush·fire also brush fire (brubreve.gifshprime.giffimacr.gifrlprime.gif)n.

    1. A fire in low-growing, scrubby trees and brush.

    2. A relatively minor crisis.

    3. A 6 foot, 4 Inch tall Master Troll from beyond the Moon with a sexy, sexy voice


    Minor enough to involve only small-scale mobilization of counteracting resources: brushfire wars.

    Fixed for 10char.

  7. [Holy shit there is so much bullshit here]

    EDIT@Gollgagh: Hey, man. You're the one who's providing the RIAA with so much money. You're the one helping to enable draconian copyright laws that serve to do nothing but punish the consumer. I have no personal beef with you (I've never even met you), but your money is the reason my music and games have DRM, including the stuff I purchase legally.

    You do realize that in this magical land called the internet that you champion so much, you can get a CD made with your own music, sell it to people, make money, and not involve the RIAA in any way, right?

    You did realize this before posting on a forum with several turned-pro musicians, right?

  8. Hurrrr... I haven't beaten Bioshock yet. Is the sequel really worth it, guys? I'm not talking money ($10 is more than reasonable), but time. Is Bioshock 2 worth my time?

    Bioshock 2 is Bioshock 1 Enhanced in terms of actual gameplay. The story....ehhhhh, it works, but it's not what you would call stellar.

    The hacking minigame has changed from pipe dream to a Hit The Monkey QTE, and you can use weapons and plasmids at the same time.

    Overall, it's decent enough that I do not regret the time or money I spent on the rental of it for the 360.

    However, I just checked, and it requires Games for Windows Live on top of SecuROM. Yes, even the Steam Version.

    Based on that ALONE, I'd pass on it for the PC.

  9. So, um, odd request.

    Hiroki Kikuta is going to be at magfest, and due to sickness in the family - namely, everyone but me being sick and me needing to play nurse - I am completely unable to attend.

    Is it out of line to ask if I Could send my Secret of Mana soundtrack CD to someone to have it autographed by him?

  10. So the remaining roster has been "leaked". I use leaked in quotes because there's really no evidence it's the actual final roster, but whatever.

    From Capcom: Hsien-ko, Haggar, and Akuma.

    From Marvel: Taskmaster, Phoenix, and Sentinel.

    I'm willing to go on record as saying that I believe that this list is, in fact, accurate.

    A Capcom game without Megaman? As strange as it may seem, I'm willing to believe it.

  11. Tossing my vote in for Espernet as well as a predominatly IRC person. Been there a while, it's stable.

    Has Nickserv, nick grouping, and the times I've interacted with the IRCops they've been very pleasant and understanding.

    Also they enacted a zero-tolerance policy towards RO Channels basically fighting against each other some time in the distant past and I cannot endorse that kind of shit enough.

  12. 362/364 TF2 achievements. At least two-thirds of them gotten legitly (Most of the medic/heavy ones that required you to cripple your team to get I farmed or just got a group of friends on and we did it)

    Just need 5000 Sentry Kills and buff bannering 5 Steam Friends.

    Could I ask people to SteamFriend me for the latter. >_> Steam Name: Lyrai

  13. Bought by myself:

    Telltale Everything Pack

    Oddworld Double Pack

    Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 + Uprising

    STALKER (Just the first one)

    Jedi Knight Pack (This makes the third time I've bought Jedi Knight 2)


    Darwinia + Multiwinia

    jesus christ my wallet

    Gifted from friends:

    Left 4 Dead

    Outrun 2006 Coast 2 Coast

    Burnout Paradise Ultimate Box (Have it on 360, but my 360 is in extended storage. Friend was attempting to let me still have fun on it...but my puny computer is too much for it)

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