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Posts posted by Lyrai

  1. Add my voice to the chorus of people sucking on Death Note's 18-inch cock. It is a godly show, though I'm glad the Yotsuba arc is over now.

    One very notable place where Death Note is of high quality is in the music. And I fucking hate most anime music, as well as most anime. The only music I've ever actually really liked in anime was Eva, and that was mostly because it made such liberal use of well-known classical pieces and Frank Sinatra covers.

    I've heard that somebody else is the President of the United States in the Death Note continuity. Too bad, really. What with all the social justice themes they end up touching on, I was really hoping someone would mention the war in Iraq at some point, but I suppose not every show needs to be BSG.

    The president is actually somewhat badass. (Highlight for spoilers)

    He kills himself, afraid of the Mob using the Death Note to make him push the "Launch the nukes" button, killing scores of people.

  2. Also, I heard the imprisonment scene with Celes was changed so that the guard no longer punches her (I've only played for an hour or so). I mean, wtf Square-Enix, censoring punching? The game's rated E(10+)! Seriously, how are we supposed to not like the empire if they're so darn agreeable?

    That scene was removed from the Japanese version as well. Something about abuse against women, maybe?

    The script changes really seem arbitrary to me, for example, Shadow will no longer slit your (his?) mother's throat for a nickle, as now he'll kill his best friend for the right price. However, Intercepter still eats strangers (if I recall correctly). Apparently dogs can eat people, but any specific action involving inflicting harm to another person cannot be represented in either text or action.

    COMPLETLY out there, but I wonder if they perhaps changed it due to the fact that not all mothers are all wonderful. Maybe they thought people would take it to mean he was abused by his mom or something, rather htan he's just a ruthless killer?

    Just a theory. Batshit insane, but a theory

    As for game mechanics, I can't believe they took out the whole 'vanish doom' combo. Like, the ENTIRE POINT of vanish was to make magic 100% effective (as well as hide your characters from physical attacks, but that strategy seemed generally a moot point anyway) and then use Doom at 100% effectiveness.

    I'd wager the fact that youc ould use it against bosses who were supposed to be immune to Instant-Death was the problem. Do we know if Vanish/X-Zone still works? Is it still called X-Zone?

    But overall, I'm hoping a portable FF6 and the new extras will jusify my purchase. Even so, my Anthology version causes Mog's 'Wind Song' to show up as ' ind Song,' and that was one of my most used skills with one of my most used characters, so I'm hoping the game will be more polished now.

    The PSX versions of FFV and VI were horrid. Rushed translations and all around blech. Chrono Trigger was salvageable, if only because it kept track of what endings you got. BUt the load times...UGH.

  3. Uematsu...in a way, I'm glad he's no longer exclusivly working on FF. I mean, yes, his tracks are awesome and The Prelue & Final Fantasy Main Theme are now classics. But in my mind..it's like he plateaued. It's...there's only so many times you can do epic sweeping music before it starts to sound similar.

    That said, I love the epic boss battle tracks. Dancing Mad, etc.

  4. A bit of Lewis Black comes to mind whenever I see one of these "OH GOD IT'S A PENIS/BOOB IN REAL LIFE OH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    "'But what about the children, Lewis', I can hear some of you asking that. What about the children? It's more disturbing for a child to hear an adult talking about this, and how it's disgusting, and evil, and wrong, than it is to actually see one.
  5. The TG-16 R-Type...how is it? I think the only R-Types I played before I was in the institution was the Grey Brick ones, and an SNES one, all of which were an absolute blast.

    I ask this because my budget is tight, and will be, so I don't want to end up blowing cash on a game thinking it's one thing, and turns out to be another.

  6. My internet throws a fit if I try to browse the thread, so if this has been posted before, I apologize.

    Wii TP or GCN TP? I didn't pick TP up on launch day due to financial woes. I've been hearing conflicting reports about glitches, locations, everything, and it's made me, well, nervous to buying one version, because (And I know this is stupid) I'm worried I'll miss out on something. All I'm looking for is an unbiased report on which version is better, GCN or Wii. Or, given that this is the internet, as close to unbiased as I can get.

  7. After 4 hours of trying to find people and people leaving after having to be told 5 times it wasn't 10-man, I finally managed to get all my quests done and get the Midsummer FIre Festival Fire in LBRS. Omokk's Gem dropped, too, and I won the roll on that with a 99. Only other item I got was from Wyrmthalak, the Tindelhaven Staff. I have my Lorespinner, so I figured it's a good 2hndr

  8. My take on Hunters:

    When they are played by people who know what they are doing I love them. A good pet means another source of damage which is just awesome in places. Several shots are useful. I love a Hunter in the group that knows what they're doing.

    WHat I hate is when the Hunter has no fucking clue what the hell to do and wipes the group 6 times before we get to the first boss.

    It can be said about most classes, but I've seen Groups being able to compensate for a stupid Rogue/Warrior, but whenever a Hunter is played by someone stupid, we never seem to get anywhere.

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