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Posts posted by Legion303

  1. No costumes for ours. Guess our Bat-fans were lackluster. I at least set the mood with black shorts and my chain-dragon black t shirt.

    People in costumes is one of the many reasons I no longer see movies in the theater.

    EDIT: and it was a VERY good movie. Not #1 of all time as IMDB fanwankers would have you believe (_12 Monkeys_ still being my solid favorite), but it was easily the best of the Batman franchise. People in this thread who claim the other movies stick closer to the "older" comics while this one is more like "new" ones apparently don't realize Frank Miller's storylines are almost as old as me.


  2. I ordered a refurbished Photon X25 from Alesis, but they sent me a Photon 25 instead (no optical XYZ controller or audio device capabilities). They fixed the error by doing an overnight delivery advance return--if I had wanted overnight delivery in the first place, it would have cost me $72 more. Some warehouse flunky made an understandable mistake and grabbed the unit without an "X" on its model number, but they really bent over backwards to make me happy afterward. So consider this Alesis spam. If the controller doesn't suck, this is definitely a company I would give money to again.


    PS: the controller doesn't suck so far.

  3. the original actually has better durability because the knife doesn't dull out over several years of use,

    The hell it doesn't. I had to resharpen my knife edges last year.

    Also not sure what you mean by "made to evade licensing requirements." The edge series IS licensed from Floyd Rose (Ibanez pays patent licensing fees or royalties), and they say so right on the trems.


  4. I was adjusting my truss rod to lower the action and straighten out the neck because it has a slight upward bow to it. Anyways, I adjusted the truss rod one full turn clockwise (till I could see the neck leveling out) and left it over night with all six strings on. I came back in the morning and the stupid thing was broken. How the hell did this happen?

    It happened because you gave the rod a full turn. When you get your next guitar, never go more than an eighth of a turn before leaving it at least overnight for the wood to get used to the new configuration. Better yet, take it to a luthier and pay a few bucks to have it done until you learn that adjusting the tension rod is a terrible way to lower your action. :P

    I fully endorse the RG series. My RG560 is the best guitar I've ever played, and the action--which I lowered with the bridge posts--is smooth as butter.


  5. That's if you use some cheap knock-off. An Ibanez Edge Pro bridge is like rock-solid, and I know that because I do stuff like bending up three semitones and using whammy bar vibrato (this is also a good recipe for a broken string :3). Problem is, when the string DOES break, all your other strings crap out as well, but meh, that's pretty much the only occassion where my axe goes out of tune.

    NO WAI. I'm talking about the tendency for floating trem strings to go out of tune as you're bending, not when you return from a bend. You know you have to compensate for double-stop bending. :P

    I have my action so low that I can bend the G 6 semitones with 9s on the guitar (the higher strings actually fret out at around 3-4 semis), and return to in-tune status with my original Ibanez Edge trem.


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