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Dagda Mor

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  1. About half the amvs on my profile are my own, but the other half are high-quality ones that weren't already on youtube. Real Folk Blues already linked to one of them, actually. If you want want to find quality amvs, I have a surefire 3-step process for you: 1: Don't use youtube. Seriously, it's a crap resource in terms finding good amvs. 2: Register on http://www.animemusicvideos.org. It's a really good community and the only thing they've ever sent to my email besides the confirmation message is an optional monthly newsletter. 3: Go to any of these three lists or this subforum. I've watched a wide variety of amvs, so if you want to find good ones of a certain type (genre, source anime, etc.) ask and I'll recommend what I can.
  2. If power metal counts, then Kamelot's last two albums have been telling a faustian-esque story.
  3. My source mod recommendations: I'd second Dystopia, it's a great multiplayer experience, especially for someone who loves team-based objective gameplay like I do. However, the one multiplayer mod that I think everyone should check out is The Hidden; it's a unique and worthwhile experience. When it comes to singleplayer, Mistake of Pythagoras is worth your time but the cream of the crop would definitely be Minerva.
  4. II found the site about four years ago, joined the forums two years after that. I was active once or twice but was mostly a lurker for the year and a half after that, then really joined up last september. Unmod easily drew tha majority of my posts simply because it had the vast body of the threads that I found interesting and engaging. My perspective on the friction involving unmod and gendisc was that much of unmod was a jerk about it in a joking sort of way, and that the judges & co. might have done something to bring on this semi-serious ire but if so there wasn't clear evidence. I didn't care enough to do any real investigation, as I had no intention of participating. I never would have been one to sing unmod's praises before its deletion- my comment on the issue would have been "It's not really this scary, horrible place if that's been your impression. There's some crap, sure, and they can be caustic; but it's hardly a high price to pay, and there's some really quality stuff there as well. I don't know any other forum like it." I've always seen myself as an outsider, one of the people who use the forum and the site and contribute where they can but aren't yet involved in the larger community. In the end, however, I think I took unmod for granted. It's when I consider my experiences and read through the well-written posts by Coop and Wacky that I find myself agreeing- Unmod was a unique community that had a surprisingly mature nature when you looked beyond the intentionally mature behavior- that's evident just by comparing the posts by the two sides in the post-deletion debate. Only after it's deletion did I turn into this activist, writing these page-and-a-half posts and doing all I can to try and get those who seem so opposed to unmod to reconsider and maybe even recreate the forum. When you say that 5% of unmod's usage and users were valuable. . .my initial response is to be offended. That number is a matter of opinion, so it's not like I can call it wrong. But I know I'm far from the best 5% of unmod's users, even with humility and self deprecation put aside*, and can still say I did nothing to deserve being labeled as worthless. Making the best effort I can to be fair and balanced about this, to remember all the bad of unmod along with the good, my honest opinion on the matters discussed in djp's post is this: Your community of trusted friends, whom I do not doubt are decent people I'd like to meet myself, failed to provide you with unbiased advice. The danger you were warned against was exaggerated (I believe greatly so, but with my knowledge I'm not qualified to say that much), and your decision to delete unmod was a very poor one. I'm really, honestly sad to see it go; I will stay and try to contribute to off-topic in order to salvage what I can, but it will no longer be unique and on top of that will be missing members who were driven off by the unfair manner in which the community's authority handled this whole debacle. *In which case I put myself in the top 20% in terms of quality but not quantity
  5. Coop says it better than I ever could.
  6. Er, actually, the description says ocremix, not oc remixes. Certainly seems like the place for discussing ocremix's forum for me, unless that sort of thing is banned altogether. Maybe that's why this thread isn't actually locked.
  7. Ruminations on the new trailer, reposted from the Wii thread: • One of my only complaints with SSBM was the "feel" of the violence. The blows seemed softer, as though you were hitting the person with a well-stuffed pillow instead of a hard, blunt object like in the original. The combat in Brawl looks like it'll be a little flashier than what I've been used to, but on the whole I think the visceral feel will be an improvement over Melee. • I wasn't sold on zero suit samus. Truth be told, a big element of this was the color scheme- I prefered the more gritty Samus seen in Metroid Prime to the bland yellow-haired version of the sequel. (Similar feelings with fox- His new look might be the biggest motivator for me to try out the new characters.) However, the clips of her fighting- and, to be honest, the determined expression- are winning me over. I'll definitely give the character a try. Although if they emphasize breast physics I'm going to hurt somebody. • To me, the change in the music score indicates a change in the overall mood of the games. The score of the first two games was unique and reinforced the whole "What the hell is this strange new creation?" feel. With Brawl, however, it feels to me like the series has an established presence as a classic and is acknowledging that while maintaining the tongue-in-cheek feel. It's a new direction, but I don't mind. • By the looks of it crawling just introduces a small additional dimension by letting us avoid attacks in a different manner. I mostly see myself using it to close the distance with an opponent. It'd also be nice if you can immediately crawl away after landing on the ground. • Great to see they're still doing those "profile" clips. I loved watching those in melee- remember when Bowser made a friend? • Snake was totally checking Samus out. Is most of this just me?
  8. It only took me two tries to beat Metroid Prime's final boss. But the absolute hardest boss I've faced is in that game; it's Elite Pirate Omega. . . On hard mode. You see, you have to keep unloading firepower on him while running backwards, and finally you wear him down. Then he somehow warps out of there and you have to contend with several beam pirates. Taking them out is complicated because you have to find the right weapon, so I tend to just dodge the shots because Omega's attacks quickly wipe them all out. Instead I switch to the X-Ray visor and watch the three sites in the area where Omega will beam in. He will then star regaining his health, and it takes a hit from a super missile to stop him; he warps out again only to soon reappear at another site. That damage while he's recharging is the only stuff that's permanent. It took me a week to beat him the first time. But in hard mode everything's health is doubled (give or take). So it takes two hits with a super missile to stop him recharging, and he's still healing in between him; you're only getting in one, sometimes two hits when you used to get in four to six . After two weeks of never getting him down to less than two thirds health, I gave up.
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