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Everything posted by Bundeslang

  1. Welcome to the voting stage The mixing stage is over. This round has 2 songs. The following people compete against each other OneUp PlanarianHugger (If anyone wants a different colour / picture, please reply). To vote, do the following: Visit the stated ThaSauce Page and listen to all the entries. Scroll to the form at the bottom of the screen. Fill in the entries from first to second. Leave the third box empty State a reasoning for it. Participants are encouraged to vote and leave feedback. However, they may not vote for themselve, they only have to fill in the first box, they should leave the second and third box empty. They get a free first place if they vote, so it is doesn't matter for the results. Non participants are encouraged to vote to decide the winner and leave comments. The winner of last round, Esperado, has a vote that counts twice. Always look in this thread to find out who's the winner of the round after the voting stage instead of only looking at ThaSauce for the results. You have until THIS Friday, October 21st 8:59 am ThaSauce time to vote. The winner may choose the source tune for PRC334. Check the ThaSauce Page to vote. If anyone have issues voting via ThaSauce you can vote by sending me a PM at Ocremix.
  2. The People's Remix Competition 333 PRCv13-21 Hello everyone and Welcome to the People's Remix Competition! Last round Esperado won, he was the only one who submitted a song. PlanarianHugger submitted a bonus track. The source has been selected, time for round 333 Source: Ultima Exodus (NES) - Castle Theme MIDI Source Information ThaSauce link: Click here to submit To submit a song at the compo page a ThaSauce account is required. To register and submit, do the following. Click the ThaSauce Link. Click the 'You are not logged in' button in the upper right. Click on 'register' (at the bottom). Read the terms and click 'I agree to these terms'. If you don't agree with them, upload the song somewhere else and post a download link as mentioned above (by doing that, you allow me to upload the song at ThaSauce. Continue the process by filling in your information. You will get a question to confirm that you're not a robot. Here are some possible answers: Name a compo: PRC Who organizes One Hour Compo: Starla Name a ThaSauce subdomain: compo.thasauce.net Who created Mega Mans: Capcom A confirmation mail will be send. There might be some issues with it (meaning that you don't get it), if that is the case, upload the song somewhere else as described above. Once registered, login with your username and password, go to the mentioned page and submit the song. If you want submit two or more songs you can create multiple ThaSauce accounts or upload the song somewhere else and post the download link. Once you uploaded your song, please check if your song plays and can be downloaded and played without problems. Only upload MP3 files. If anyone has problems with registering or uploading the song to ThaSauce, please upload the song somewhere else and post a download link in the thread. I recommend Soundcloud, don't forget to allow downloads to enable me to upload the song at ThaSauce. PRC instructions Limitations at ThaSauce require your entry to be 20 MB or less in size. Length for length's sake and MIDI rips are not allowed (only as Bonus Mixes). Entries must be posted at the ThaSauce Link by Wednesay October 19th 2016 at 8:59 am ThaSauce time, check the ThaSauce page for the exact time left. You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix. You are free to create a second ThaSauce account for that, it's needed to be able to upload a second remix. You can also upload it somewhere else and put a download link in this thread Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted in this thread. Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they recieve a free first place vote added onto their score. The winner of this round may select the source for PRC334. The winner of PRC332, Esperado, can only take part by submitting a bonus mix. You can find the full rules list at this page as well. GOOD LUCK! PRC ThaSauce Home Page!
  3. The deadline is over, this means we already have a winner. Esperado congratulations. You may pick the next source. Send the source to me (with a MID/MP3 file, otherwise send a second source with a MID file) by PM, other options are PM me @ ThaSauce or by e-mailing to bambombim@gmail.com (I prefer a PM @Ocremix). Send your source as fast as you can, but before this Friday (7 October), 10:59 AM ThaSauce time. PlanarianHugger thanks for the bonus mix.
  4. The People's Remix Competition 332 PRCv13-20 Hello everyone and Welcome to the People's Remix Competition! Last round there was no way to stop PlanarianHugger. So he selected the source for this round. Two people tried but couldn't make it, Bundeslang and Overkillius tried but they couldn't do it. Esperado did a bonus song. Source: Power Blade (NES) - Sixth Sector MIDI Source Information ThaSauce link: Click here to submit To submit a song at the compo page a ThaSauce account is required. To register and submit, do the following. Click the ThaSauce Link. Click the 'You are not logged in' button in the upper right. Click on 'register' (at the bottom). Read the terms and click 'I agree to these terms'. If you don't agree with them, upload the song somewhere else and post a download link as mentioned above (by doing that, you allow me to upload the song at ThaSauce. Continue the process by filling in your information. You will get a question to confirm that you're not a robot. Here are some possible answers: Name a compo: PRC Who organizes One Hour Compo: Starla Name a ThaSauce subdomain: compo.thasauce.net Who created Mega Mans: Capcom A confirmation mail will be send. There might be some issues with it (meaning that you don't get it), if that is the case, upload the song somewhere else as described above. Once registered, login with your username and password, go to the mentioned page and submit the song. If you want submit two or more songs you can create multiple ThaSauce accounts or upload the song somewhere else and post the download link. Once you uploaded your song, please check if your song plays and can be downloaded and played without problems. Only upload MP3 files. If anyone has problems with registering or uploading the song to ThaSauce, please upload the song somewhere else and post a download link in the thread. I recommend Soundcloud, don't forget to allow downloads to enable me to upload the song at ThaSauce. PRC instructions Limitations at ThaSauce require your entry to be 20 MB or less in size. Length for length's sake and MIDI rips are not allowed (only as Bonus Mixes). Entries must be posted at the ThaSauce Link by Monday October 3rd 2016 at 9:59 am ThaSauce time (17:00 UTC, 18:00 GMT), check the ThaSauce page for the exact time left. One hour shorter as usual. You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix. You are free to create a second ThaSauce account for that, it's needed to be able to upload a second remix. You can also upload it somewhere else and put a download link in this thread Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted in this thread. Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they recieve a free first place vote added onto their score. The winner of this round may select the source for PRC333. The winner of PRC331, PlanarianHugger, can only take part by submitting a bonus mix. You can find the full rules list at this page as well. GOOD LUCK! PRC ThaSauce Home Page!
  5. Results Time The results are as follows: Number of participants: 3 (+1 Bonus) Number of votes: 4 Esperado submitted a bonus song. Bundeslang and Overkillius tied and with a score of 11 they both don't get away from the last place woorden spoon. And the winner of PRC331 is PlanarianHugger with 15 points. Congratulations PlanarianHugger, after a couple of wooden spoons (in rounds I didn't participate of course) it's now the well deserved win. You may pick a source for the next round. Please send the source for the next round to me (with a MID/MP3 file, otherwise send a second source with a MID file) by PM, other options are PM me @ ThaSauce or by e-mailing to bambombim@gmail.com (I prefer a PM @Ocremix). Send your source as fast as you can, but before monday. You may select any source for any game, but not a source with an OverClocked remix or a source which has been used in PRC before. An overview of the past PRC's can be found in the following links: http://sites.google.com/site/bambombim/prc http://bambombim.googlepages.com/PRCRemixList.doc (also downloadable via the link above). Check the ThaSauce Page for the results.
  6. Well, it's up to the voters to decide which song is good or not. If it's terrible the worst thing what can happen is that they give you the last place and place it even below my song. I haven't listen to your and the other songs yet (will do that tomorrow), so tomorrow I'll find out. Welcome to the voting stage The mixing stage is over. This round has 3 songs and 1 bonus mix. The following people compete against each other PlanarianHugger Bundeslang Overkillius And the bonus song is by Esperado (If anyone wants a different colour / picture, please reply). To vote, do the following: Visit the stated ThaSauce Page and listen to all the entries. Scroll to the form at the bottom of the screen. Fill in the entries from first to third. State a reasoning for it. Participants are encouraged to vote and leave feedback. However, they may not vote for themselve, they only have to fill in the first and second box, they should leave the third box empty. They get a free first place if they vote, so it is attractive to vote. Non participants are encouraged to vote to decide the winner and leave comments. The winner of last round, Esperado, has a vote that counts twice. Always look in this thread to find out who's the winner of the round after the voting stage instead of only looking at ThaSauce for the results. You have until THIS Saturday, September 24th 10:59 am ThaSauce time to vote. The winner may choose the source tune for PRC332. Check the ThaSauce Page to vote. If anyone have issues voting via ThaSauce you can vote by sending me a PM at Ocremix.
  7. Feel free to submit it as a bonus mix, by posting it in this thread with a download link so I can add it to the ThaSauce, if you don't make it before the deadline. Didn't expect 3 songs (with a 4th in my FL Studio) after extending this for the first time. What a great surprise.
  8. You could send it as PM to HoboKa so he can add it manually.
  9. With only one hour left and no songs posted, it's time for another two days extension. I'll try to submit something myself as well.
  10. You didn't vote for Trism so there's no problem. Just posted my vote as well. EDIT: I just listened to your MnP59 song and I must say that I really liked how you changed the instruments. If only I didn't miss so many rounds I would have voted in that round as well.
  11. The People's Remix Competition 331 PRCv13-19 Hello everyone and Welcome to the People's Remix Competition! One of the PRC legends, Esperado, returned and claimed victory in the last round. Due some upload problems the round ended a bit later as usual (to avoid this problems in the future, a rule has been added. The source has been selected, a new round can start!! Source: Legend of Legaia (PS1) - Junos Funeral MIDI Source Information ThaSauce link: Click here to submit To submit a song at the compo page a ThaSauce account is required. To register and submit, do the following. Click the ThaSauce Link. Click the 'You are not logged in' button in the upper right. Click on 'register' (at the bottom). Read the terms and click 'I agree to these terms'. If you don't agree with them, upload the song somewhere else and post a download link as mentioned above (by doing that, you allow me to upload the song at ThaSauce. Continue the process by filling in your information. You will get a question to confirm that you're not a robot. Here are some possible answers: Name a compo: PRC Who organizes One Hour Compo: Starla Name a ThaSauce subdomain: compo.thasauce.net Who created Mega Mans: Capcom A confirmation mail will be send. There might be some issues with it (meaning that you don't get it), if that is the case, upload the song somewhere else as described above. Once registered, login with your username and password, go to the mentioned page and submit the song. If you want submit two or more songs you can create multiple ThaSauce accounts or upload the song somewhere else and post the download link. Once you uploaded your song, please check if your song plays and can be downloaded and played without problems. Only upload MP3 files. If anyone has problems with registering or uploading the song to ThaSauce, please upload the song somewhere else and post a download link in the thread. I recommend Soundcloud, don't forget to allow downloads to enable me to upload the song at ThaSauce. PRC instructions Limitations at ThaSauce require your entry to be 20 MB or less in size. Length for length's sake and MIDI rips are not allowed (only as Bonus Mixes). Entries must be posted in the by Thursday September 22nd 2016 at 10:59 am ThaSauce time (18:00 UTC, 19:00 GMT), check the ThaSauce page for the exact time left. 2 Additional Days. You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix. You are free to create a second ThaSauce account for that, it's needed to be able to upload a second remix. You can also upload it somewhere else and put a download link in this thread Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted in this thread. Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they recieve a free first place vote added onto their score. The winner of this round may select the source for PRC331. The winner of PRC330, Esperado, can only take part by submitting a bonus mix. You can find the full rules list at this page as well. GOOD LUCK! PRC ThaSauce Home Page!
  12. Results Time The results are as follows: Number of participants: 2 Number of votes: 4 PlanarianHugger did a nice job, but it's not enough the win. He got 12 points and the last place woorden spoon. And the winner of PRC330 is Esperado with 15 points. Congratulations Esperado. You may pick a source for the next round. Please send the source for the next round to me (with a MID/MP3 file, otherwise send a second source with a MID file) by PM, other options are PM me @ ThaSauce or by e-mailing to bambombim@gmail.com (I prefer a PM @Ocremix). Send your source as fast as you can, but before monday. You may select any source for any game, but not a source with an OverClocked remix or a source which has been used in PRC before. An overview of the past PRC's can be found in the following links: http://sites.google.com/site/bambombim/prc http://bambombim.googlepages.com/PRCRemixList.doc (also downloadable via the link above). Check the ThaSauce Page for the results.
  13. I don't know. Maybe you uploaded a WAV instead of an MP3 file. Anyway, it works now. I reuploaded the song. Also the voting stage will be extended with 1 day. Welcome to the voting stage The mixing stage is over. This round has 2 songs. PlanarianHugger Esperado (If anyone wants a different colour / picture, please reply). To vote, do the following: Visit the stated ThaSauce Page and listen to all the entries. Scroll to the form at the bottom of the screen. Fill in the entries from first to second. Leave the third box empty. State a reasoning for it. Participants are encouraged to vote and leave feedback. However, they may not vote for themselve, they only have to fill in the first box, they should leave the other boxes empty. They get a free first place if they vote, so it doesn't matter for the results. Non participants are encouraged to vote to decide the winner and leave comments. The winner of last round, Thomas Neil, has a vote that counts twice. Always look in this thread to find out who's the winner of the round after the voting stage instead of only looking at ThaSauce for the results. You have until THIS Saturday, September 10th 0:59 pm ThaSauce time to vote. Note that this is 1 day and 2 hours later as usual. The winner may choose the source tune for PRC331. Check the ThaSauce Page to vote. If anyone have issues voting via ThaSauce you can vote by sending me a PM at Ocremix.
  14. I have the same problem. Esperado, please upload your song somewhere else with a download link so I can reupload it on ThaSauce. I see you uploaded the track to Soundcloud (this is the same song right)? Please enable downloads so I can reupload it and start the voting stage. For now, people can use this link to vote. EDIT: I added this link at the ThaSauce page. I wasn't able to edit Esperado's song description so I added the link in the round description. Voting ends tomorrow, 1:59 AM ThaSauce Time.
  15. Extended with another two hours since I'm not able to start the voting stage at 11 AM ThaSauce Time.
  16. The People's Remix Competition 330 PRCv13-18 Hello everyone and Welcome to the People's Remix Competition! Thomas Neil started his PRC career with a strong win. He was the only one who submitted before the first deadline, but after an extension Supercoolmike and PlanarianHugger managed to get a song in. It was not enough for both to claim the win. He selected a source from a game which has been remixed twice in the PRC history: in PRC133 and PRC299. Source: Banjo - Kazooie (N64) - Spiral Mountain MIDI Source Information ThaSauce link: Click here to submit To submit a song at the compo page a ThaSauce account is required. If anyone has problems with registering or uploading the song to ThaSauce, please upload the song somewhere else and post a download link in the thread. I recommend Soundcloud, don't forget to allow downloads to enable me to upload the song at ThaSauce. To register and submit, do the following. Click the ThaSauce Link. Click the 'You are not logged in' button in the upper right. Click on 'register' (at the bottom). Read the terms and click 'I agree to these terms'. If you don't agree with them, upload the song somewhere else and post a download link as mentioned above (by doing that, you allow me to upload the song at ThaSauce. Continue the process by filling in your information. You will get a question to confirm that you're not a robot. Here are some possible answers: Name a compo: PRC Who organizes One Hour Compo: Starla Name a ThaSauce subdomain: compo.thasauce.net Who created Mega Mans: Capcom A confirmation mail will be send. There might be some issues with it (meaning that you don't get it), if that is the case, upload the song somewhere else as described above. Once registered, login with your username and password, go to the mentioned page and submit the song. If you want submit two or more songs you can create multiple ThaSauce accounts or upload the song somewhere else and post the download link. PRC instructions Limitations at ThaSauce require your entry to be 20 MB or less in size. Length for length's sake and MIDI rips are not allowed (only as Bonus Mixes). Entries must be posted in the by Wednesday September 7th 2016 at 0:59 pm ThaSauce time (20:00 UTC, 21:00 GMT), check the ThaSauce page for the exact time left. + 2 Days and 2 Hours. You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix. You are free to create a second ThaSauce account for that, it's needed to be able to upload a second remix. You can also upload it somewhere else and put a download link in this thread Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted in this thread. Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they recieve a free first place vote added onto their score. The winner of this round may select the source for PRC331. The winner of PRC329, Thomas Neil, can only take part by submitting a bonus mix. You can find the full rules list at this page as well. GOOD LUCK! PRC ThaSauce Home Page!
  17. Results Time The results are as follows: Number of participants: 3 Number of votes: 4 PlanarianHugger knows how to win PRC's, but now he got 8 points and the last place woorden spoon. Supercoolmike collected 12 points, worth a second place. And the winner of PRC329 is Thomas Neil with 14 points. Congratulations Thomas Neil with the win. You may pick a source for the next round. Please send the source for the next round to me (with a MID/MP3 file, otherwise send a second source with a MID file) by PM, other options are PM me @ ThaSauce or by e-mailing to bambombim@gmail.com (I prefer a PM @Ocremix). Send your source as fast as you can, but before tomorrow. You may select any source for any game, but not a source with an OverClocked remix or a source which has been used in PRC before. An overview of the past PRC's can be found in the following links: http://sites.google.com/site/bambombim/prc http://bambombim.googlepages.com/PRCRemixList.doc (also downloadable via the link above). Check the ThaSauce Page for the results.
  18. Welcome to the voting stage The mixing stage is over. This round has 3 songs. Thomas Neil Supercoolmike PlanarianHugger (If anyone wants a different colour / picture, please reply). To vote, do the following: Visit the stated ThaSauce Page and listen to all the entries. Scroll to the form at the bottom of the screen. Fill in the entries from first to third. State a reasoning for it. Participants are encouraged to vote and leave feedback. However, they may not vote for themselve, they only have to fill in the first and second box, they should leave the first box empty. They get a free first place if they vote, so it is attractive to vote. Non participants are encouraged to vote to decide the winner and leave comments as well. The winner of last round, Trism, has a vote that counts twice. Always look in this thread to find out who's the winner of the round after the voting stage instead of only looking at ThaSauce for the results. You have until THIS Friday, August 26th 10:59 am ThaSauce time to vote. The winner may choose the source tune for PRC330. Check the ThaSauce Page to vote. If anyone have issues voting via ThaSauce you can vote by sending me a PM at Ocremix.
  19. There's one song, but based on the rule still a two days extension (in this case 45 hours extension).
  20. Deadline is extended with three hours. I cannot edit this in ThaSauce since I cannot login, but there will be a three hours extension. If ThaSauce is not accessible, please upload the song somewhere else and post a download link in this thread. No songs so far, so there might be a two day extension. EDIT: Login seems to work again. Deadline is changed.
  21. The People's Remix Competition 329 PRCv13-17 Hello everyone and Welcome to the People's Remix Competition! Trism claimed victory, he was the only one who submitted a song last time. He selected the source for this round. Source: Croc: Legend of the Gobbo's (PS1) - Itsy the Ice Demon MIDI Source Information ThaSauce link: Click here to submit To submit a song at the compo page a ThaSauce account is required. If anyone has problems with registering or uploading the song to ThaSauce, please upload the song somewhere else and post a download link in the thread. I recommend Soundcloud, don't forget to allow downloads to enable me to upload the song at ThaSauce. To register and submit, do the following. Click the ThaSauce Link. Click the 'You are not logged in' button in the upper right. Click on 'register' (at the bottom). Read the terms and click 'I agree to these terms'. If you don't agree with them, upload the song somewhere else and post a download link as mentioned above (by doing that, you allow me to upload the song at ThaSauce. Continue the process by filling in your information. You will get a question to confirm that you're not a robot. Here are some possible answers: Name a compo: PRC Who organizes One Hour Compo: Starla Name a ThaSauce subdomain: compo.thasauce.net Who created Mega Mans: Capcom A confirmation mail will be send. There might be some issues with it (meaning that you don't get it), if that is the case, upload the song somewhere else as described above. Once registered, login with your username and password, go to the mentioned page and submit the song. If you want submit two or more songs you can create multiple ThaSauce accounts or upload the song somewhere else and post the download link. PRC instructions Limitations at ThaSauce require your entry to be 20 MB or less in size. Length for length's sake and MIDI rips are not allowed (only as Bonus Mixes). Entries must be posted in the by Wednesday August 24th 2016 at 10:59 am ThaSauce time (18:00 UTC, 19:00 GMT), check the ThaSauce page for the exact time left. You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix. You are free to create a second ThaSauce account for that, it's needed to be able to upload a second remix. You can also upload it somewhere else and put a download link in this thread Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted in this thread. Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they recieve a free first place vote added onto their score. The winner of this round may select the source for PRC330. The winner of PRC328, Trism, can only take part by submitting a bonus mix. You can find the full rules list at this page as well. GOOD LUCK! PRC ThaSauce Home Page!
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