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Posts posted by Fudd

  1. I still don't see how the hell they'd pull off a "World of StarCraft" anyway.

    What happens if you want to play as Zerg? You start off as a Larva and evolve into what? You're just gonna die.

    And if they have you play it at a Cerebrate angle, with control over a colony or some such, that'd kind of be like playing normal SC.

  2. Psalm 23

    A psalm of David.

    1 The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.

    2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,

    he leads me beside quiet waters,

    3 he restores my soul.

    4 Even though I walk

    through the valley of the shadow of death,

    I will fear no evil,

    for you are with me;

    your rod and your staff,

    they comfort me.

    6 Surely goodness and love will follow me

    all the days of my life,

    and I will dwell in the house of the LORD


    I find the first two references quite fitting...

    Frog: Green pastures, quiet waters.. A nature scene, as well as the restoration of soul.

    Samus: All alone, against the Metroids...

    I suppose the last verse can fit for either Terra or Link.

  3. Also, the whispering of Biblical verse in the end is a nice polish. I think it really magnifies the title a lot more. I've often wondered what runs through the minds of heroes as their time comes. Well, clearly, their brave thoughts are Beneath the Surface

    Psalm 23:1-3 (Frog)

    23:4 (Samus)

    23:6 (Terra, perhaps? Locke? Anyone who's recognized in Narshe... Oh, that's from Zelda, you say?... Could've sworn it was Narshe. It sounds like the drawn-out sighs. Well, if that's not the case, then Link fits the greave here.)

  4. This has instantly become one of my favorite all time remixes after just a few listens. The use of the cameos is subtle and not overpowering, and I had to go back and search for them. I just love this piece so much. Best jazz mix I've ever heard, that's for sure.

    I agree with what Wanderer has to say about the cameos. They'll make an experienced listener grin and it doesn't take away from the song at all. They even flow right into each other. From what I could hear was: Frog, Metroid, and Narshe.

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